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Q: What amendment made the freed slaves citizens of the U.S?
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Which amendment made slaves citizens of the US?

13TH amendmentThe 13th amendment FREED the slaves, the 14th amendment made former slaves US Citizens. So the correct answer would have to be 14th amendment (passed in 1866, ratified in 1868)

What constitutional amendment made former slaves citizens?

the 14th ammendment gave slaves the right to be a citizen

Why was the 14 and 15 amendments made?

While the 13th amendment freed the slaves, it did not make them citizens or give them any rights. The newly freed slaves had no where to go after the 13th amendment was passed -- they were simply no longer slaves. Most slaves during the civil war had been born into slavery as the importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So, the slaves had no reason to go back to Africa, as they had no money and many had never been there anyway. The U.S. government realized they had to do something about all these people, so they essentially gave them citizenship with the 14th amendment, and later the right to vote with the 15th.

What did the 14 amendment do?

In 1866, the amendment was passed and gave blacks the right of citizenship in America. This affected the blacks because they are finally...the fourteen amendment did was made everyone citizens regardless of race .

What was the 14th amendmaent?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States enjoy full right. This was done to protect the rights of freed slaves and minorities after the Civil War, bit it applies equally to all Americans. This amendment also made certain rules concerning the southern states after the Civil War.

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What amendment made all newly freed slaves citizens of the US?

The 14th amendment

Which amendment made slaves citizens of the US?

13TH amendmentThe 13th amendment FREED the slaves, the 14th amendment made former slaves US Citizens. So the correct answer would have to be 14th amendment (passed in 1866, ratified in 1868)

What constitutional amendment made former slaves citizens?

the 14th ammendment gave slaves the right to be a citizen

Why was the 14 and 15 amendments made?

While the 13th amendment freed the slaves, it did not make them citizens or give them any rights. The newly freed slaves had no where to go after the 13th amendment was passed -- they were simply no longer slaves. Most slaves during the civil war had been born into slavery as the importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So, the slaves had no reason to go back to Africa, as they had no money and many had never been there anyway. The U.S. government realized they had to do something about all these people, so they essentially gave them citizenship with the 14th amendment, and later the right to vote with the 15th.

What did the 13th Amendment do to change the constitution?

The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution made all the meanings in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution fair for all people in the USA. As this addition to the US Constitution led the way for even more steps to a free USA society.

Which President freed slaves?

Abraham Lincoln freed the slavery

What year were the slaves freed after the civil war?

The year that slavery was abolished was 1865. The thirteenth amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in December of that year. In essence the slaves were freed with the fall of the Confederate government in April 1865, and the surrender of the last viable rebel army which occurred in May. Also many slaves had been "freed" by the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. However the constitutional amendment made it official and the slave then truly was henceforth and forever free.

Which amendment declared the right of US citizen to vote?

The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution (1870) guarantees the right to vote, intended to apply to freed slaves after the Civil War. The 19th Amendment (ratified 1920) guaranteed the nationwide right for women. Prior to these two amendments, individual states had established requirements for their citizens to vote, and no mention was made of voting in the Bill of Rights.

Was the war over before the slaves where freed?

The Emancipation proclamation in 1863 freed the slaves in the states in rebellion but no where else in the Union, but the war will go on for 3 more years before peace is signed. It isn't until the 13th amendment in 1865 was made into law making slavery illegal .

How did the old laws against teaching slaves to read and write make a difference after the civil war?

They made literacy tests an easy way to prevent freed slaves from voting.

Which amendment made African Americans citizens?

All African Americans became citizens as a result of the 14th Amendment.

What would the world be like today if Lincoln had not issued the Emancipation Proclamation and freed the slaves?

Not very different. The E.P. only freed the slaves in the ceded states. It would have made almost no difference a all except maybe lowering the morales of people who thought they might be freed. Slaves were officially freed by the 13th amendment. That made a big difference. If Lincoln did not issue the 13th, we might still have civil rights issues today, but slavery would have ended from other nations pressures. (The U.S.A. was one of the last nations to use slavery.)