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The animal is an eagle, holding arrows in one foot and an olive branch in the other.

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11y ago

There is an eagle on the obverse side of the seal.

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Q: What animal is on the seal of the president of the US?
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what animal is on the seal of the president of US?

The animal is an eagle, holding arrows in one foot and an olive branch in the other.

What color is the seal of the president of the US?


What is on the eagles chest on the seal of the president of the US?

A shield.

What is in the eagles claws on the seal of the president of the US?

13 Arrows

What is the word for seal in spanish?

Do you mean the animal, or the act of closing something (seal a letter), or the representation of a name (The notary marked the papers with her seal) ??? Good questions equal good answers- please give us some more information, and re-post. Seal, the animal, is "foca"

What animal sounds like a seal?

No. The seal is an ocean animal, and it is a mammal.

What type of animal is a seal?

a seal is a mammal

What is your monthly animal?

My monthly animal is a seal.

What animal does the US president pardon each Thanksgiving?

One turkey .

What is a dove seal?

It is when a dove and a seal mate. And they create a new animal called a dove seal.

What other animal appeared on the Berlin city seal?

hunt seal

How do you say seal in Irish?

The animal the seal is rón in Irish Gaelic.