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Feudalism provided a system in which authority was distributed through a hierarchy in which local military could respond to immediate threats without reference to the national government. It provided an army for the national government without the need for a large standing army. It distributed responsibilities of government in very much the same way. And so it provided a solution for government at a time when strong central government was not possible, but the demands of local problems were very real.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The idea of loyalty for protection worked well until land owners fenced off the public farmland in order to create pasture land. The land owners wanted to raise sheep because the price and demand for wool had skyrocketed. Once the supply exceeded the demand for wool and the price dropped, land owners were seeking to get back to the tenant farming program, but the tenant farmers had moved to the cities seeking work. So I guess the biggest weakness was lack of economic foresight and greed.

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12y ago

pros: even peasants and serfs are included in the society

cons: Because the kings had no lord above them, they had all the power. This created a somewhat oppressive system for anyone who wasn't a king (which was like 99.9% of the people).

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14y ago

A Feudal System prevents social mobility, economic growth, and intellectual development.

The feudal system prevents social mobility by the establishment of the strict Caste System. In feudalism, there must be a very rigid archetype of social strata. The peasant is responsible for the actual farming in the society. This 90% of the society never moves up from a state of destitute poverty. Lower Lords and Knights as part of the Aristocracy are responsible for ruling over this lower class. The Aristocracy is in charge of the serf society and a very small group of artisans and craftsmen. In loose control of the Aristocracy is the extremely wealthy Religious Hierarchy. This group collected the tithe (10% of all wealth) in European Society and used part of that wealth to enforce all order in the society holding the caste together.

Economic Growth is hampered by the fact that the system is so tightly held together. The serfs are required to tend to the same land and cannot move from place to place. The different groups are tied together and forced out of the competitive equality that is found in capitalism. Without the accelerated growth triggered by the capital intensiveness and self interest of capitalism the flow of money is stemmed and the economy is dependent on weather and farming practices in their entirety.

Intellectual development is largely ignored in feudal society. Academics only ever arose from the upper classes and were often liturgically bound. The Scholastic movement represents the exception rather than the rule however, as new thought and invention was under high scrutiny of heresy.

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14y ago

PRO: Power...if everything works out as planned. Everyone has to follow the rules.

CONS: Could crash, peasants had terrible living conditions.

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13y ago

-People were stuck in their class systems

-prevents intellectual development

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10y ago

what are the disadvantages of the manor system

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Grayson 26Clements

Lvl 5
4y ago

The advantages was the stability it brought and the disadvantage is the the peasants were feeling them for the poor.

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