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The following is a list of some countries under feudalism: China, England, France, Germany, India, Japan, Jerusalem, Russia and Scotland.

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Q: What are some countries that under feudalism?
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How did Feudalism in England under William 1 differed from feudalism in other countries?

he required all sub-vassals to swear allegiance to him.

What countries live under feudalism today?

No country used a full feudalistic type of government today. Some countries like India, Pakistan, and parts of Africa, Scotland and England have been accused of operating under a Feudalistic or Semi Feudalistic type of government. The last state in Europe to be run under true Feudalism was the British controlled island of Sark, which implemented a Democracy in April of 2008.

What countries use feudalism?

all old eurpoean countries

What countries had feudalism?

France , Italy ,England, and Spain

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Some words that rhyme with feudalism are realism, idealism, and surrealism.

When Russia was under Mongol domination the effect of Russia was to?

End feudalism

How was Japanese feudalism the same from European feudalism?

Both were almost exactly the same. You must understand that Feudalism is really just a lord giving land to his nobles for military aid and loyalty. Both nations used the same system. Also both had small petty kingdoms that experienced constant warfare, as each noble ran his fief, or land, as a small nation. Also, Feudalism was also present in several other countries, including China. Today, some countries still use feudalism.

What are some under- developed countries?

haiti mexico

When was the date that feudalism started?

In Europe, feudalism was most prominent between A.D. 800 and A.D. 1400. However, feudalism has existed in some shape or form since the Sumerians.

What were seigneuries?

seigneuries were areas of land operated under the rules of feudalism in new france.