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Feudalism in China, like Feudalism all over the world, was meant to keep peasants oppressed and nobles powerful. It succeeded for centuries.

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Q: What was the original purpose of feudalism in China?
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When did feudalism start in China?

Feudalism started in China during the Shang dynasty. Feudalism lasted until the end of the Qin/Chin dynasty.

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What is the main characteristics of ancient China feudalism?

ancient Chinese feudalism is when the peasants live on the kings land and give him crops in return for military protection

Why did feudalism fail in china?

The decline of feudalism in China took its course in the Chunqiu period. As feudalism went on in China the family ties became diluted the more dependent the ruler became on the combined strength of the vassals. Thus, the feudal system withered and finally collapsed.

What are some countries that under feudalism?

The following is a list of some countries under feudalism: China, England, France, Germany, India, Japan, Jerusalem, Russia and Scotland.

What did they use before feudalism in China?

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What is the purpose of construction of Great Wall of China?

purpose of construction of great wall of china to protect from attacker at china