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feudalism meant the enslavement of the agrarian workforce for the enrichment of the privileged.

Each class had duties and rights.

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Who created feudalism?

The Franks created feudalism

A political and military system based on the holding of land?

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TRUE or FALSE Feudalism concerned the lower classes?

TRUE! Feudalism is a series of complicated lord-and-vassal relationships between nobles, but the living conditions of serfs under the feudal system are hugely important to Western history. The overall squalor of the lives of the serfs (lower classes) contributed to the rapid spread of diseases like the black plague, the eventual re-emergence of major population centers, and the prevalence and importance of the Catholic church.

What part of speech is feudalism?

Feudalism is a noun.

Who propounded feudalism?

The germanic tribe, the Slavs, introduced Feudalism.

Where did feudalism emerge?

Feudalism first emerged among the franks

Is feudalism still big today?

No it is not. Feudalism was a medieval system.

'What was the social structure in the 1300s - medieval Europe'?

it was based on feudalism... there is a feudalism pyramid if you go on google images and type in feudalism pyramid