the first african american justice appointed to the supreme court was who?
you can find it in the social studies books that were i found it at i forgot what it said so look in a social studies book my opinion :P
Who has the time to do social studies homework!
8 grade social studies - According to social studies book titled "Creating America" the question is Which state in the US has the largest variety of climates?
When all the power is vested in the centrel government
This is a paper for Social Studies about the Revolutionary War
down no.1 A _____ is a perfect example of how to behave.
No, we don't have the answers to the social studies section of the Lincoln Academy Test. Only the school will have the answers.
I am sorry we did not get that
a relic (social studies worksheet?)
Giving answers is cheating and Wiki will not help you cheat. It is time to get to work and figure out the answers.
I learned this in social studies I had this question on my worksheet and the answer to the effect is the slaves resisted slavery.
No. We don't help students cheat.
I asserted the correct answers in my social studies test .
1749, I'm guessing you're doing the Social Studies/History worksheet,
Nope, that's called cheating and I don't cheat.