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Q: What are the difference between democratic and authorization of government?
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Difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution?

what is one of the most important differences between a democratic republic and the british government at the time of the American revolution is... they were fighting against each other and believed in different things.

Conflicts between federalist and democratic republicans?

Federalists favored a strong central government and Democratic-Republicans faved states retaining authority.

What is the difference between government and regime?

"Government: 'A group of people within the state who have the ultimate authority to act on behalf of the State. - (Phillips Shively)"Regime: 'The set of rules, norms, and institutions that determine how government is constituted, how organized, and how its major decisions are made.(One embodiment of a regime: a constitution)'Some core features:The state: organization, territory, and force.The government: peopleThe regime: rulesArgentina and 'Regime Change'•1946 democratic•1955 military•1958 democratic•1962 military•1963 democratic•1966 military•1973 democratic•1976 military•1983 to the present: democratic"In common usage, people tend to say "regime" to refer to a government that they strongly disagree with or dislike.

What is the difference between feudalism and democratic republic?

a democratic republic consists of representitives ˆn office rather than families taking over as in feudalism.

What is the difference between democracy and authoritarian?

Answer 1Authoritarianism is absolute rule by one, usually a Dictator or Monarch and Democracy is rule by all or by every citizen having a say in what is done.Answer 2The difference between an authoritarian and democratic government is the power held by its leaders. In an authoritarian government, power entails suppression of the opposition and human rights. In a democratic government, on the other hand, power is spread between different institutions that act as a check and balance on each other.

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What was the most important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution?

The most important difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution was the citizens' rights to self rule and vote on how they would be ruled.

Difference between democratic and non democratic government?

Democratic govt • Government by representation, i.e. People choose their representatives and their representatives choose for them on important decisions that affect the jurisdiction • Democratic countries allow the public to cast votes on their Head of Government. • Democratic countries are sometimes well surveyed and controlled by proper laws to avoidcorruption • The democratic systems of government are based on the separation of powers in the state, which means that the powers of government are separated functionally between branches of government.

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The United States had a democratic government and the Soviet Union had a Communist government.

Which best describes the difference between Cleisthenes and Peisistratus?

Cleisthenes believed in democratic government when Pericles didn't

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Difference between autocratic and democratic form of leadership

Difference between democatic and non-democratic countries?

The cheif difference between democratic and non-democratic countries is where the government derives its authority from. In a democratic country, the government understands that its power equals only that of the sum of each individual citizen where the majority, through a representative or by direct legislative participation, decide the direction of government. Non-democratic governments, on the other hand, believe they obtain their authority to govern by entitlement, either through heritage, wealth, or some other means elitism.

Difference between a democratic republic and the British government at the time of the American Revolution?

what is one of the most important differences between a democratic republic and the british government at the time of the American revolution is... they were fighting against each other and believed in different things.

What is one of the most important differences between a democratic republic and the british government at the American revolution?

democratic republic - people of the republic get to vote on their governmentbritish Govt - Kings and queens have say over the governmentIf I knew why would i be asking