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Authoritarianism is absolute rule by one, usually a Dictator or Monarch and Democracy is rule by all or by every citizen having a say in what is done.

Answer 2

The difference between an authoritarian and democratic government is the power held by its leaders. In an authoritarian government, power entails suppression of the opposition and human rights. In a democratic government, on the other hand, power is spread between different institutions that act as a check and balance on each other.

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In a democracy the people are allowed to vote and elect people to reprent them. They can protest and petition the government for change When they are arrested they have a right to a trial and are innocent until proven guilty. Rights of various sorts are given in a democracy. An authoritarian government is the opposite. People in governemt are not elected, the people have no rights, and are often told where to live and what jobs they can work. When arrested they have no rights and may have a trial at some point. Depending on the crime they are often taken out and shot without a trial. Controll is the point of the authoritarian government.

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8y ago

The primary difference between an authoritarian government and a democratic government is that in a democratic government, the rulers are voted into power by some form of popular vote, either direct or indirect. In an authoritarian government, the rulers inherit power by some other means, usually violence (dictators, military juntas, or warlords) or heredity (monarchs) or religious right (theocrats).

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