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They interpret the laws set forth by the Legislative Branch of the government. In America they would be the Supreme High Court of Justice. They are NOT a standard courtroom with a judge and jury. The duty of the Judicial branch is to interpret CONSTITUTIONAL laws. Matters that conflict or may pose a problem with the Constitution are interpreted and dealth with accordingly.

Eg. A man could not go to the Supreme Court of Justice demanding for them to hear his case if he had been implicated in a murder. But a man could go to the Supreme Court of Justice on the basis that in some rally, his freedom of assembly had been subdued. This is part of the constitution therefore it is the duty of the Judicial branch to examine it.

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Q: What are the duties of the judicial branch's leaders?
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An example of a governor's judicial duties is?

pardoning a criminal

What are the executive branchs checkes over the legislative and the judicial branches?

The executive check over the legislative branch is the power of vetoing laws. The executive check over the judicial branch is the power of judicial appointment -- the president can pick a judge to take the seat of a judge who leaves the supreme court.

How long do the leaders of the judicial branch keep there jobs?

Supreme court is a lifetime appointment

Is Commissioners' Court the judicial and executive body of a county in Texas?

Whether a Commissioner's Court has judicial duties in addition to its executive duties depends on the particular county. Each county in Texas has a Commissioner's Court that serves as the executive body of the county. The Commissioner's Court is headed by a County Judge, who is the chief executive of a county. Additionally, in counties without County Courts at Law, Commissioners' Courts (also known as Constitutional County Courts) have far-reaching judicial duties, including original jurisdiction in civil actions between $200 and $10,000, some misdemeanors, probate matters, and juvenile matters, and appeals from Justice and Municipal courts. In counties with one or more County Court at Law, the Commissioner's Court may retain some judicial jurisdiction, but in practicality, the bulk of its judicial duties are transferred to the County Courts at Law. Within a county there are also often District Courts, Justice Courts, and Municipal Courts, each with their own judicial jurisdiction. For a directory of Texas Courts organized by county, see the Texas Courts Guide related link. For a description of how jurisdiction is broken down between different courts in a particular county, see the Texas Trial Court Jurisdiction By County related link.

Which system gives each branch of government its own duties?

In general terms, nearly every governmental system gives particular duties to each branch of government within it. At the same time, 'constitutional' systems are rightly famous in respect to their careful delineation of distinct branches of government and the proper duties for each; for example, the American system provides very clear guidance on the duties for its judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government.

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pardoning a criminal

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