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The executive check over the legislative branch is the power of vetoing laws. The executive check over the judicial branch is the power of judicial appointment -- the president can pick a judge to take the seat of a judge who leaves the supreme court.

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Q: What are the executive branchs checkes over the legislative and the judicial branches?
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What does the executive branch do in the federal government?

There is no Executive branch of the federal courts.The United States has a tripartite government that comprises three branches, each with its own constitutional powers and checks against those powers. The Executive branch and the federal courts (Judicial branch) are two different parts of government.Executive branch: President, Vice-President, Cabinet, etc.Legislative branch: US Senate, US House of Representatives (together, they're called "Congress")Judicial branch: Supreme Court, lower federal courts (SCOTUS* is the head of the federal court system)*SCOTUS is an acronym for Supreme Court of the United States

Why was the three branchs of government established?

In simple terms, the three branches were established to watch over each other as to prevent any one branch from having to much political power.

Why did the authors of the constitutions set up the checks and balances?

The framers of the Constitution created a system of checks and balances so that one branch does not have too much power over the others. Each branch of government checks the power of the other branches. For example, after Congress approves a bill, it also has to be approved by the president, but if the Supreme Court believes that the bill is unconstitutional, they are able to overturn it. This system was created so that one branch does not grab all of the power and take control of the country, like we see in dictatorships.Look at it this way. If every grower in the country plants nothing but corn, the overall health of the people will plummet rapidly.

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What are the two branches of govrement?

Good Americans on one side, and democrat,leftist,liberal Marxists on the other.

How many branch's are there in our government?

There are three branches in our U.S. goverment The Legislative branch is the branch of government which is concerned with the making of laws. The Executive branch is the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws. The Judicial branch is the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice. Those are the three branchs in the U.S. goverment.

Who has the authority to make appointments to the executive and judicial branchs of government?

The Defence Secetary and his assistants are the only people( apart from the Prime Minister)

What are the three branchs of govornment?

judicial governmentlegislative governmentexecutive governmentThese are the 3 branchs of our government.

What do the three branchs have in common?

what do the three branches have in common

What article of the constitution etablished the 3 main branches of the American government?

Generally speaking, Articles One, Two, Three, Four, and Six define the scope and structure of the central government, and the relationship of that government to the states and citizenry. In the broad thrust, the entire document defines the US government, in character, scope, and meaning, as well as how it should be structured (and modified, as needed).

What does the executive branch do in the federal government?

There is no Executive branch of the federal courts.The United States has a tripartite government that comprises three branches, each with its own constitutional powers and checks against those powers. The Executive branch and the federal courts (Judicial branch) are two different parts of government.Executive branch: President, Vice-President, Cabinet, etc.Legislative branch: US Senate, US House of Representatives (together, they're called "Congress")Judicial branch: Supreme Court, lower federal courts (SCOTUS* is the head of the federal court system)*SCOTUS is an acronym for Supreme Court of the United States

Can the president control the judicial branch?

YES ! he is part of the Exectutive branch and all branchs check on one another !!

Is it correct to call 'flock of birds' when they are roosting on tree branchs?

Yes. We say A flock of birds roosted in the branches of the trees.

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Saint-Branchs's population is 2,421.

What is the plural form of the word branchs?

The plural form for the noun branch is branches.Nouns ending in ch, sh, s, x, and z add -es to form the plural.

Lime or Lemon tree that I planted from seed cant remember what it is that I planted But the tree has spikes or thorns on the branchs what is this?

Most citrus trees have thorns on the branches. Lime trees usually have thin branches with thorns, lemons are similar