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It's harder to get places and you can't use the water for transportation. There can also be fluctuating temperatures, especially in places like the middle of the US. Weather can be different.

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10y ago

The main positives is a godd thing cause the all idea of haveing a landlock is wen u can beable to move like u wont to but it cool though.

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Q: What are the effects of being landlocked?
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How might being landlocked affect the economy?

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Why could being landlocked be a problem?

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What are sea ports of Paraguay?

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Why does Uganda have beaches despite being landlocked?

it has beaches because it is boarded by lake victoria

What are some example sentences using the word landlocked?

The country was landlocked, and had to import its seafood.

Why is there no landlocked countries in north America and Australia?

North America and Australia are entire countries. They don't have other countries within their borders. Europe is comprised of many countries, which means that some countries are inland and are therefore, landlocked. Switzerland being one example of a landlocked country.

What natural hazards is Nepal at risk from?

From earthquakes and being landlocked without any food or drink

What are two landlocked countries that are surrounded by other landlocked countries?

Liechtenstein is a landlocked country surrounded by other landlocked countries: Switzerland and Austria. Similarly, San Marino is also a landlocked country surrounded by other landlocked countries: Italy.