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Do you want that answered by the way things are today or by the way the Foundersenvisioned? First, I'm not sure its the Supreme Court's job to "influence social policies". The duty of the Supreme Court is tointerruptlaw as declared by the U.S. Constitution.

The strengths are the justice do not serve terms therefore they are not restricted by the ballot box and can vote as they see the law. The rulings of the Supreme Court are beyond appeal.

The weakness is the Supreme Court depends on the President to enforce its rulings and Congress to ensure the president does it.
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Q: What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the US Supreme Court in influencing social policies in the US?
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what power allows the supreme court to declare laws unconstitutional.?

The power of judicial review allows the US Supreme Court to declare laws, policies, executive orders and US treaties that are relevant to cases before the Court unconstitutional and nullify them if they violate the principles of the US Constitution.

How does the Supreme Court use judicial review to control the power of Congress and the President?

It evaluates laws, executive orders, and policies and makes sure they're constitutional.

What influence does the President have over the US Supreme Court?

The president has some influence over the supreme court, but only to an extent. As previously stated he nominates people to the supreme court, but this in turn is checked by the legislative function in the government so his influence is small here if anything. He does however have the power and right to openly support or criticise the court, thus to an extent influencing some of their decisions.The President has the power to fill open judge positions by submitting nominees of his choice to the Senate. He can choose people who agree with him on constitutional questions.

What is sovereign rights?

it has supreme and absolute power within its own territory and can deciede its own foreign and domestic policies it has supreme and absolute power within its own territory and can deciede its own foreign and domestic policies

What happened in the northern security company vs United state supreme court case?

It dealt with property rights and economic policies. Ruled that the Northern Securities Company was formed only to eliminate the competition and ordered it to be dissolved.

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What does the Supreme Court determine its policies in?

Just think about it.

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In 1980, Supreme merged with Mutual Benefit Life Insurance of North Carolina.

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Making Process is when the legislature presents 2 or more solutions to a problem and the Supreme Ct chooses one process, thus influencing the outcome of the case.

How did Roosevelt's plan to alter the effect of the supreme court rulings against his policies?

he planned to reorganize the courts

Which president threatened to pack the Supreme Court after it ruled against some of his policies?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

How did president Roosevelt plan to alter the effect of the Supreme Court ruling against his policies?

he planned to reorganize the courts

How can you change public policies?

In the US, public policies eventually are settled at the ballot box. Serious attempts to change public policies are based on whom the citizens decide to elect to public office. Other public policies such as those set by US Supreme Court cases are extremely difficult to change. This factor is based on the way the US Constitution operates. There have been no political parties that have sought to change the way the Supreme Court handles cases of law.

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the national government

The financial policies of secretary of the treasury Alexander hamilton and early supreme court decisions strengthened the powers of?

The national government

The financial policies of secretary of treasury Alexander hamilton and early supreme court decisions strengthened the powers of?

The national government