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Political parties have unified groups of people and helped them seek and achieve common goals. They help to offer voters choices. Just as people have a favorite sports team that they tend to favor, political parties give people something to identify with. Political parties tend to control who get what, where, when, and how much. Their major purpose for existence is to get people to elect their candidates. Political parties tend to attract people based on their performances and their political platforms. What the promise and what they accomplish while being in office largely determine which coalitions will affiliate with their party in the next elections. So even though elections between political parties can be heated they have served as a way for people to identify with government and best express their individual voice.

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15y ago
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10y ago

They provide balance and keep the nation from going to one extreme or the other. The two parties hold government accountable by constantly scrutinizing each other and being on the look-out for wrong-doing.

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13y ago

Someone needs to answer the disadvantages part of this question noww!!

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13y ago

Political parties help a democracy by keeping the country united. If there is a large political party ruling over, that party keeps the country united.

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10y ago

Political parties represent different views and give the people a choice.

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15y ago

what are the benefits of a two-party political system?

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10y ago

Organized elections is a positive outcome of political parties. A negative effect of political parties is they become too powerful.

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