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one of those powers has to do with appointments to office, and the other with treaties made by the president.

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appointments and treaties.

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Q: What are the two executive powers possessed by the Senate?
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What are two executive powers the Senate possessed?

appointments and treaties.

What are the two powers of the senate?

The Senate has more than two powers, but a few of the powers they have that no other branch of the Federal Gov't has are: 1) To confirm Presidential appointments such as Supreme Court justices. 2) To ratify treaties made by the executive branch. 3) The Senate acts as judge and jury in impeachment cases.

The two executive powers that the constitutions delegates to the senate are the power to confirm presidential appointment and the power?

To advise and give consent to treaties made by the president.

What are two expressed powers of the senate?

The Senate has several exclusive powers including consenting to treaties as a precondition to their ratification and consenting or confirmation of appointments of Cabinet secretaries, federal judges, other federal executive officials, military officers, as well as trial of federal officials impeached by the House. The Senate is both a more deliberative

Two unique powers of the senate?

One of the two unique powers of the senate include confirming presidential appointees. The other is the power to impeach a president or federal judge.

What are the two executive powers?

the government and arm forcess

What are two presidential powers that developed from informal amendment?

There are two presidential powers which are executive action and executive agreements. Executive action is the rights over declaring war and executive agreement is a pact made between foreign nations and the President.

The Continental Congress exercised what two powers?

From its one chamber the legislature of the Second Continental Congress exercised both legislative and executive powers. Therefore, it is known as a unicameral legislature.

What are two presidential powers which must be approved by the senate?


Chief of the Executive Branch?

The expressed powers of the President of the United States (Chief Executive) are set down in Article II of the Constitution. The major function of the executive branch is to enforce the laws.The powers are of two sorts: those exercised alone without legislative approval and those that require consent of the Senate or House.

The two executive powers that the constitution delegates of the senate are the power to confirm presidential appointments and the power?

To advise and give consent to treaties made by the president

What branch of government is responsible for the executive branch after impeachment?

If you mean after the impeachment of the President, the answer is "The Executive" branch. The are two stages of "impeachment". The first is "impeachment", whereby the House of Representatives, by 2/3 majority, calls on the president to be tried before the Senate. The senate then tries the president. The President heads the executive branch. If he is impeached, and convicted by the Senate, he is immediately removed from office and the Vice President assumes presidential powers. If the President is impeached, but not convicted, he is not removed from office and continues as President.