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In 1936 only the whites could vote. The blacks and women were not able to vote back then.

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16y ago

in the 1930's you had to be a male and you had to be atleast 18 yeats of age to vote

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15y ago

none. zip. zilch. Nada. absolutely nothing!

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Q: What are the voting rights of blacks in the 1930?
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It was not the fourteenth amendment that specifically gave blacks voting rights. It is the 15th. The 14th gave citizenship and citizenship rights.

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This helped increase the number of blacks who could vote?

Voting Rights Act of 1965 (NovaNET)

Which amendment ensured voting rights for blacks in the South?

15th amendment

What act passed by congress to protect the voting rights of blacks in the south?

civil rights act 1866

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To vote. The Voting Rights Act.

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The blacks couldn't afford the tax

What rights outlawed barriers that prevented blacks from casting ballots?

The Voting Rights Act, signed in 1965, overcame the barriers that prevented blacks from voting. The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution denied federal and state governments from preventing citizens from voting but did not go far enough.

Who had voting rights in the 1930s?

Since rights mean the authority to do something, which must be protected and supported by the law, every US citizen had voting rights in the 1930's. SOme states did not evenhandedly enforce voting rights, but the citizens all had those rights.

What do voting right act 1965 do?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 expanded voting rights to blacks by prohibiting use of literacy tests and other forms of discriminatory qualifications

What act was passed by congress to protect the voting rights of blacks in the south?

Enforcement Act of 1870