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There were 6 edits done by Jefferson, Franklin, Jay, and Adams.

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Q: What changes did the committee in Congress make to the declaration of independence?
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Who were the people selected to draft the Declaration of Independence?

The so-called Committee of Five that was selected to draft the Declaration consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman. Jefferson did the entire initial draft. Adams and Franklin made some changes before it was submitted to Congress. Sherman and Livingston did not contribute to the drafting itself.

Who wrote the declaration of independents.?

The Declaration of Independence was written by Jefferson with Franklin, Adams, and Jay as editors. It took 6 rewrites.

What happened to the declaration on August 2 1776?

The Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and they appointed a committee (a group of people working together to do a specific job) to write a formal document that would tell Great Britain that the Americans had decided to govern themselves. The committee asked Thomas Jefferson to write a draft (first try) of the document, so he worked for days, in absolute secret, until he had written a document that he thought said everything important that the committee had discussed. On June 28, 1776, the committee met to read Jefferson's "fair" copy (he put his best ideas together and wrote them neatly.) They revised (made some changes) the document and declared their independence on July 2, 1776. They officially adopted it (made it theirs) on July 4, 1776. That is why we call it "Independence Day." Congress ordered that all members must sign the Declaration of Independence and they all began signing the "official" copy on August 2, 1776. In January of the next year, Congress sent signed copies to all of the states.

How many changes were made to the draft of the declaration?

There was 80 changes made to the Declaration of Independence.

When was Declartion of Independence wrote?

In 1776, between June 11 (when the Declaration committee was appointed) and July 4 (when changes were done and the Declaration was approved).Actually it was July 4th, that's why we have Independence day on that day because the Declaration of Independence was written.

Related questions

How long did it take to write the declaration of independence adopted to the US?

About two months

Did it take eighteen days to write the declaration of independence?

It took eighteen days to write the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. It then was edited by members of a committee and submitted to the Second Continental Congress, which made major changes before adopting it on July 4, 1776. The committee to write the Declaration had been appointed by Congress on June 11, 1776, so the total time was a little over three weeks.

Who gave Thomas Jefferson the right to declare the independence of the US?

The Continental Congress appointed a committee consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to write the Declaration of Independence. Anams and Franklin assigned the task to Jefferson. He wrote it and they made minor changes. They brought it back to the Congress which made changes to the bill of particulars attached as an appendix.

Did Jefferson's original draft for the Declaration of Independence was accepted without change?

No, Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence was not accepted without change. It went through revisions and edits by a committee of five members, including John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. The committee made changes to the wording and structure of the document before presenting it to the Second Continental Congress for approval.

What did Jefferson have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson was the one who wrote the declaration of indenpendance. But he was on a committee of five men and with their revising they made a total of 80 changes. Mostly though its all Thomas Jefferson, just with a little changes.

How long did it it take to write the declaration?

Thomas Jefferson took 17 days to write the Declaration of Independence, and the Second Continental Congress spent two days making some changes to the document. On July 4th, 1776, the Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence, which is why the United States celebrates that date each year as its Independence Day from Great Britain.

What did John Adams do in creating the Declaration of Independence?

John Adams was appointed one of five members of the "Committee of Five" which was directed to write the Declaration of Independence. The other four were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert L. Livingston and Roger Sherman. Once Jefferson finished his initial version, Adams and Franklin reviewed it and made minor changes. Then it was presented to the Continental Congress for adoption. Adams participated in the debates in Congress where several other changes were made to arrive at a final version.

Where was Declaration of Independence set?

The American Declaration of Independence is the document which declared the American colonies' independence from England. On 11 June 1776 the "Committee of Five", consisting of John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, Robert R Livingston of New York and Roger Sherman of Connecticut, was formed to draft a suitable declaration. The declaration was essentially the work of Jefferson, who showed it to other committee members, who made several minor corrections. Jefferson then produced another copy incorporating these changes. The final draft was submitted to the US Congress on 28 June 1776. In early July 1776, representatives of the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. All the colonies voted in favour of the resolution, and the Declaration was ratified on 4 July 1776, a day which came to be celebrated as Independence Day. John Hancock, the president of the Second Continental Congress, was the first to sign the Declaration.

Did it take two days to write the declaration of independence?

no. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence took Thomas Jefferson two and a half weeks to write. He was first appointed to the job on June 11, 1776. The draft was then edited by members of a committee and submitted to the Second Continental Congress, which made major changes before adopting it on July 4, 1776. The total time was a little over three weeks.

What changes came to New jersey when the Declaration of Independence was signed?

They believed that the British would accept the declaration of Independence

How many changes were made to the declaration of independence?


Who were the people selected to draft the Declaration of Independence?

The so-called Committee of Five that was selected to draft the Declaration consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman. Jefferson did the entire initial draft. Adams and Franklin made some changes before it was submitted to Congress. Sherman and Livingston did not contribute to the drafting itself.