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Q: What country became the most democratic in the 1800s?
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in few decay we have seen that most of country became democratic . but it is alson seen that their growth is also effected .

Which country was the most democratic in 1830?


What is the most democratic state?

Norway is considered the most democratic country in the world according to the 2010 Economist Intelligence Unit.

What country in Asia is demorcratic?

Japan would be the most democratic country there.

How did power shift in Britain in the 1800s?

Answer this question… Most men, regardless of their economic class, won the right to vote.

Which country is the most democratic in the world?

there are many, not one country holds that title, when a country is a democracy, that is IT.

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Why India is called largest democratic country?

India is the second most populated country in the world and it has a multiparty democratic system in electing goverments.

New York became the most democratic and economically equal of the middle colonies?

no it does not.

What places did not have freedom in the early 1800s?

In the early 1800's most of Europe, her colonies and countries such as Japan & China were not even close to being "democratic". Despite the slavery issue in the USA, the USA was the most democratic nation in the world.

What was the organization which became the most famous medical school in the world in the 1800s?

general medical council of britain