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The Republic of China is commonly known as Taiwan. The People's Republic of China is commonly known simply as China.

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Q: What country is known as the Republic of China?
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What is The People's Republic of China?

The People's Republic of China is the largest country in Asia commonly known as China

What country is known as the PRC?

The People's Republic of China, or simply, China.

What is the name of China's country?

It is officially known as The People's Republic of China (PRC)

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The only neighboring country is Hong Kong's ruler, China.

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An island country that is east of China is Taiwan. Taiwan is also known as the Republic of China. Its capital city is Taipei.

What is an island country east china?

An island country that is east of China is Taiwan. Taiwan is also known as the Republic of China. Its capital city is Taipei.

Is Taipei is a communist country?

Taipei is a city, not a country. It is the capital of the country known as Taiwan or the Republic of China. This is different to the People's Republic of China, that most people think of as being China. It claims Taiwan, but Taiwan is independent. It is a constitutional republic and people can vote, so it is democratic. It is not communist.

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Sinkiang, also known as Xinjiang, is an autonomous region in northwest China. It is not an independent country, but rather a part of the People's Republic of China.

Name the country off the coast of china that was the capital of Taipei?

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan (officially known as the Republic of China, "ROC").

Should Taiwan break free from China?

Technically it's already "free" as it has stated that it is a country already which China doesn't like.Taiwan is already A China named the "Republic of China", known as Democratic China or simply Taiwan. What people call "China" is the "People's Republic of China", known as Communist China or just China. "China" refers to the whole historical region, like Mongolia. Mongolia has parts in Russia and China. Mongolia is a country, but contains regions in Russia and China.

What is the offical name of Taiwan?

Republic of China, not to be confused with People's Republic of china, which is better known as (China).

Is China a country?

China itself is just a region. The countries are the People's Republic of China and, if you agree, the Republic of China (Taiwan).