Restrict the future of slavery
John Quincy Adams
The Dread Scott case was the Supreme Court case the stated that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in states and that blacks were not citizens.
A number of petition were received regarding slavery, but the congress removed them by prolonging the Pinckney solution.
A number of petition were received regarding slavery, but the congress removed them by prolonging the Pinckney solution.
Restrict the future of slavery
Restrict the future of slavery
John Quincy Adams
The Dread Scott case was the Supreme Court case the stated that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in states and that blacks were not citizens.
I'll tell you when I find out..
Before the US Supreme Court ruled that Congress had no right to interfere with slavery, the Congress had passed in 1854 the Kansas Nebraska Act. This act allowed people in the two territories to vote as to whether the "to be" States would be free ones or slave States. This led to conflict and bloodshed between pro & anti slavery groups. As an aside, the future Harpers Ferry raider fought for anti slavery in Kansas. The two forces caused the label of Bleeding Kansas used to describe the situation there.
The Southerners did not feel good about the future of slavery
what is one of the earliest anti- slavery publications in the library of congress
what is one of the earliest anti- slavery publications in the library of congress
he liked having slavery
the congress
A number of petition were received regarding slavery, but the congress removed them by prolonging the Pinckney solution.