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He blocked the port at Tripoli with the help of King Francis of the Two Sicilies. He sent a fleet under the command of Commodore Edward Preble.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

He blockeded the port at tripoli

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Q: What did jefferson do to stop the barbary states from pirateing american ships?
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How are Thomas Jefferson's actions toward the Barbary states different from those of previous presidents?

Jefferson refused to pay protection money on the Barbary states

How were thomas jeffersons actions toward the barbary states different from those of previous presidents?

Jefferson refused to pay protection money to the Barbary States.

Which of the Barbary States did Jefferson choose to blockade in 1801?

Jefferson chose to blockade Tripoli, which was one of the Barbary States, in 1801. The blockade was a response to Tripoli's demand for increased tribute payments from the United States. This ultimately led to the First Barbary War.

Which Branch of military service did Jefferson consider least threatening to liberty and most necessary to suppressing the Barbary states?

Thomas Jefferson considered the U.S. Navy the least threatening to liberty and the most necessary for suppressing the Barbary States.

Branch of military service that Jefferson considered least threatening to liberty and most necessary to suppressing the Barbary states?

Thomas Jefferson considered the U.S. Navy the least threatening to liberty and most necessary for suppressing the Barbary States.

What were the three major international issues at this time and how did the US respond to them?

Three major international issues during Jefferson's presidency were the Louisiana purchase, the Barbary War, and his attempt at acquiring Florida and Haiti. The Louisiana Purchase was successful, the Barbary War with the northern Barbary states of Africa was also successful, but Jefferson had trouble with the acquisition of Florida.

What did Jefferson do to stop the barbary states from pirating American states?

He blocked the port at Tripoli with the help of King Francis of the Two Sicilies. He sent a fleet under the command of Commodore Edward Preble.

What were Jefferson and Adam s reactions to paying tribute to the Barbary states?

Jefferson was opposed to paying tribute to the Barbary states as he saw it as yielding to piracy and extortion. He believed in taking a strong stance against the Barbary powers through military force. In contrast, John Adams was initially in favor of paying tribute to protect American interests and avoid war, but he later changed his position and supported Jefferson's view of using military force to prevent future tributes.

How did Jefferson try to end pirate attacks on U.S. ships?

He paid tribute to the Barbary States.

How did Jefferson try to end pirate attacking US ships?

He paid tribute to the Barbary States.

What had caused American war with Tripoli?

Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to Tripoli because Pirates were attacking U.S. shipping along the northern coast of Africa. The independent Ottoman states of Morocco, Tunis, and Algiers, known collectively as the Barbary Coast, were the home to the Barbary Pirates. The first Barbary War was from 1801-1805.

What was the branch of military service that Jefferson considered least threatening to liberty and most necessary to suppressing the Barbary states?
