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Q: What did leaders of the Confederacy think their nation was entitled to Apex?
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What leaders of the confederacy think their nation was entitled to?

Control of all military bases in its territory

What did leaders of the confederacy think their nation was entitled?

Control of all military bases in its territory

What did leader of the confederacy think their nation was entitled to?

Control of all military bases in its territory

Why do you think confederate forces attacked fort Sumter and when they did?

To assert their nationhood. Sumter was in South Carolina, founder-state of the Confederacy - a nation that Lincoln did not recognise.

Why then did the confederacy win many early battles?

I think it was because the Confederacy had more soldiers and better weapon's

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The aztecs wanted to be self sufficient and therefore allowed the local leaders to govern their own nation!

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in 1722 the Tuscarora joined the original 5 and became the sixth nation of the Iroquois confederation.

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Colonial leaders, being from Britain themselves, were both against and for war against the British. The British was the premier superpower nation at the time. With a superior navy and army, there was no one that had the guts to oppose the Brits. But the colonial leaders knew that unless a war was to be fought, there was no chance at secession from the British empire.

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the confederacy i think

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You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't think so.

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