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Q: What did natives fear immigrants would do in the 1890?
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What did nativists fear immigrants would do in the 1890?

Take jobs away from Americans

What did nativist fear immigrants would do the 1890s?

Take jobs away from Americans

What was the KnowNothing party and what was its point of view about immigrants?

A growing fear of immigrants & catholics

Americans began to fear foreigners and recent immigrants because of the what?

Americans began to fear immigrants because of a perception that the immigrants were a threat to American job security. There is a thought that immigrants depress wages, and this affects the American worker.

What phobia means fear of immigrants?

There is no medical term or phobia name for the fear of immigrants.However a similar phobia called Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners.

Why were so many Americans against the new immigrants?

Americans began to fear foreigners and recent immigrants because of the _______

Who led to the forming of the know nothing party?

A growing fear of immigrants and Catholics

What made Americans began to fear foreingners and recent immigrants?

September 1, 2001

Americans began to fear foreigners and recent immigrants because of the?

all of the answers are correct

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a growing fear of immigrants and catholics

Restricting immigrants from entering a country may be based on what belief?

It may stem from nationalism, xenophobia, fear of competition for resources, and/or a fear that the existing culture will be destroyed.

What event came to symbolize fear of immigrants and radical ideas?

the symbol was a heart and a star they both are cool teeheeteehee