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a strong government.

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Deon Jast

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2y ago
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15y ago

The founding fathers intended to protect us from all the previous oppressive governments and societies.

Contrary to popular belief they didn't give us a democracy (rule of many over a few), nor did they give is an oligarchy (rule of a few over many) they gave us a Republic (the Rule of law over all) Our supreme law being the Constitution which restrains the two and has certain processes for amending it which aren't easy because of the checks and balances that are instilled in the government.

History shows the intent and purpose of our founding fathers. Contemporary logic is wrong whenever it contradicts the clear explanations of those men who wrote the Constitution... what people call a strict interpretation. As long as we keep a strict interpretation we keep our Republic, when we allow a loose interpretation we risk loosing the Republic and veering into oppressive government and/or society. ~DCSS

The founding fathers intented the checks and balances system to be a three tiered cross check that gauranteed constant intra and inter oversight.

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12y ago

The founding fathers were religious men, but that was not their philosophy. Being men of education during their time, they were well read and took their philosophy from the idea of Natural Law. They believed, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, that all men were created equal and that their Creator (who they called God) had given all men certain rights which could not justly be taken away.

This manifested itself in their view of the use of government being to serve the people and the view that government must not interfere with the rights God had given.

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12y ago

The purpose of the Constitution was to basically create a central government in which it would receive powers such as collecting taxes and such. On top of that, this "central government" would provide procedures for elections and supreme court nominations, and to protect the rights of the people from the government; much like today.

Before the Constitution was ratified in 1787, the United States was operating under the Articles of Confederation. This was somewhat of a first attempt at establishing a government. However, it didn't work out to become all that successful, and so, the Constitution was created.

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12y ago

There are six key goals stated by the Founders in the Preamble. "Form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

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19y ago

To protect life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.

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13y ago

The settlers came to America for different reasons. Some were seeking religious freedom, others were looking for wealth and land.

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Q: What did the Founding Fathers believe was the purpose of government?
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How would the Founding Fathers have explained the purpose for government in the US?

the purpose of government is to preotect its citizens....cmon ppl im 13 nad i know that..

What is the purpose of your Constitution?

The United States Constitution governs the United States. It was created by the Founding Fathers and outlines what rights citizens have.

What was the origin purpose of the US Constitution and what did the early colonists want to protect themselves from?

The founding fathers established the Constitution to do just two things: Establish a federal government for the United States of America Delegate to the federal government certain, limited (and enumerated) powers. they protect themselves from Great Britain

What did the founding fathers think was the purpose of government and what is the role for citizen in the America republic?

The preamble of the Constitution actually states their thinking on the purpose of government. John Adams also wrote on the purpose of government and he basically stated that it was to make sure the people are happy and that a happy society is the purpose of government. He goes on to say that the government is to make sure people are taken care of in matters of security, health, and liberty. The founding fathers also thought the role of the citizen was important so the government and constitution would work. Washington writes that an educated citizen ensures that a democracy would work correctly because they would understand HOW it should work. Thus, protecting the concept of a free society. When you think about these concepts it is easy to see they had a handle on how the government and the citizenship should work together. In, my opinion, the lack of history and government education is proving Washington correct. When people don't understand how government works they come up with theories that are not logical and in the process end up loosing freedoms.

What is the purpose of the constitutional rights?

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. Contrary to popular belief, the Constitution does not grant rights to the people but expressly prohibits the government from interfering in certain unalienable rights that can only be given (and thus can only be taken) by our Creator. Many of the other papers and communications of the founding fathers also supports these beliefs and the Constitution was actually written to limit the powers of the federal government and not to grant rights to we the people.

Related questions

How would the Founding Fathers have explained the purpose for government in the US?

the purpose of government is to preotect its citizens....cmon ppl im 13 nad i know that..

What was the purpose of the liberty bell?

To call the founding fathers to meetings when it rang.

Why did the founding fathers include the preamble to the constitution?

It outlined the purpose of the following documents.

When the founding fathers gathered to sign the documents what was the main purpose?

the signed the bill that cusified jesus.

Since the main purpose of the Constitution is to limit the power of national government would the Founding Fathers approve of the Patriot Act?

Yes. One of the few responsibilities that a limited federal government has - and one of the few it should have - is to protect the union (of states) from foreign enemies. That is the purpose of the Patriot Act.

Why were the founding fathers cautious about adding a vice president?

The purpose of the vice-president is have a seamless transition if something happens to the president. The alternative of having a special election would create a period in which nobody was running the government.

What did the founding fathers believe about the role of the government and speciffically the role of the president?

According to John Adams the role of government is to help the common good of the people. He states, " the happiness of the people is the purpose of government and should serve the largest number and the true idea of a republic is an empire of laws and not men." Washington stated that the " virtue or morality is necessary Spring of popular government and human rights can only be assured among virtuous people." Franklin added to this idea by saying that " only virtuous people are capable of freedom."

What is the purpose of your Constitution?

The United States Constitution governs the United States. It was created by the Founding Fathers and outlines what rights citizens have.

What was the author's purpose of the document the Gettysburg Address?

It was to rally the people and to focus their attention on the need to win the war so that the ideals of the founding fathers would be upheld. As Lincoln stated "...That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

What is the religion of each senator?

It should make no difference what their religion is. We have a freedom of religion allowing people to believe or not believe in what they want. The government policy is not based on religious doctrine on purpose since the founding fathers saw the results of a government ruled by the church. Today this same thing can be seen in some nations in the Middle East where the government and the religion doctrine are one in the same. To maintain a free society it is needed that this concept of separation of church and state remain. Therefore a man or woman elected to any office should not or have to state their religion.

What was the origin purpose of the US Constitution and what did the early colonists want to protect themselves from?

The founding fathers established the Constitution to do just two things: Establish a federal government for the United States of America Delegate to the federal government certain, limited (and enumerated) powers. they protect themselves from Great Britain

What did the founding fathers think was the purpose of government and what is the role for citizen in the America republic?

The preamble of the Constitution actually states their thinking on the purpose of government. John Adams also wrote on the purpose of government and he basically stated that it was to make sure the people are happy and that a happy society is the purpose of government. He goes on to say that the government is to make sure people are taken care of in matters of security, health, and liberty. The founding fathers also thought the role of the citizen was important so the government and constitution would work. Washington writes that an educated citizen ensures that a democracy would work correctly because they would understand HOW it should work. Thus, protecting the concept of a free society. When you think about these concepts it is easy to see they had a handle on how the government and the citizenship should work together. In, my opinion, the lack of history and government education is proving Washington correct. When people don't understand how government works they come up with theories that are not logical and in the process end up loosing freedoms.