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When the USA was formed, it was the southern states which had the power and as such, much of what they wanted at the time they got. The agrarian south depended on slave labor so slavery wasn't abolished at the time. So slave power could either mean the political power of the South or the slaves they had doing their labor. A power shift wouldn't occur until the 1820's with the advent of industrialization.

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Q: What did the northerners mean when they refereed to slave power?
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What does amelioration mean in terms of slavery?

Amelioration in terms of slavery is the policy of improving slave conditions.

What are the 2 compromises made at the Constitutional Convention?

The Great Compromise: Federalism + It was determined that each state would send an equal number of representatives to the Senate, and one representative to the House for each 30,000 residents of the state.3 Compromises on Slavery:The three-fifths law: Southerners wanted their slave population to be counted as well, while Northerners did not. They then agreed that 1 slave would be counted as 3/5 of a 'regular' person.Before 1808, the slave trade could not be amended out of the Constitution.Fugitive Slave Provision: if a slave escaped from a state to another where slavery was illegal, it did not mean the slave was free. The slave should be returned to his owner.

What did the 35ths compromise allow the slaves states to do?

It allowed the slave states to count most of it's slaves in order to have more representation by population. The non-slave states discouraged slavery and put in the 3/5ths clause because of it. It was not meant to mean a slave was only 3/5ths of a man as some would have you believe.

What does consent of governed mean?

People are the source of all government power.

What did Patrick Henry mean by every power not granted was retained?

The Constitution names the powers of the Federal government. If a power is not specifically named as being Federal, they do not have it. That power is kept by the states.

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What is an assassination and what does it mean?

The word is usually refereed when a ruler , leader 0f a country is assassinated, which means he is shot or murdered , to get him out of power and the way.

Why might southerners be upset if California were admitted as a free state than Northerners might be if it were admitted as a slave state?

California is huge and the South wanted California to be part of the Confederacy.

What did the union mean to the northerners?

I dont give a care bout dis stuff plus the union meant nothing to the northerners

What does a fugitive slave mean?

It meant a slave ran away.

Does sister mean slave in Latin?

Servus means slave in Latin.

Explain the 2 major compromises from the Constitutional Convention the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Great Compromise How did each affect representation in the new government?

The Great Compromise: Federalism + It was determined that each state would send an equal number of representatives to the Senate, and one representative to the House for each 30,000 residents of the state.3 Compromises on Slavery: The three-fifths law: Southerners wanted their slave population to be counted as well, while Northerners did not. They then agreed that 1 slave would be counted as 3/5 of a 'regular' person.Before 1808, the slave trade could not be amended out of the Constitution.Fugitive Slave Provision: if a slave escaped from a state to another where slavery was illegal, it did not mean the slave was free. The slave should be returned to his owner.

Why were slave owners so mean to slaves?

The slave owners so mean to slave because of their skin color that's why and they thought they were different. Also beating the slaves showed power and dominance over them. And beating slaves, and pushing them to their maximum efforts proved for them to be cheap and efficient. Another reason why a slave owner would be cruel to a slave would be to take out some anger or for hobby/sport, or for some other emotional to psychological reason.

What word mean the same as slave?

Another word for slave is servant.

What does slave mean in Greek?


What is a Philippine Oripon?

oripon is a slave, so Philippine Oripon would mean Philippine slave

What does slave resistance mean?

restinging slavery

How did the northerners get most of their income?

I'm going to assume that you mean the northerners of the United States. The northerners along the east coast got a lot of their income from sea trade, forestry, ship building, trapping, and the fishing industry in general. Northerners further inland were mostly trading, factories along rivers, and again forestry that provided many jobs of that, like wood carving. Over time industry took over and factories spread in the north and became one of the leading income providers for northerners, and was one of the reasons the North won the civil war.