Southern farmers Populists Southern whites
Alexander Hamilton has to make a deal with southern leaders to get support for his plan to pay back the national debt. In exchange for their support he promised them that he would locate the nation's capital along the Potomac River so that it would border between the north and south, and not directly in the northern states as it would have been in Philadelphia.
They didn't have much economic opportunity in the old South.
The one that provided for basic needs of the war refugees.
1: a league or compact for mutual support or common action : alliance2: a combination of persons for unlawful purposes : conspiracy3: the body formed by persons, states, or nations united by a league ; specifically capitalized : the 11 southern states seceding from the United States in 1860 and 1861 1: a league or compact for mutual support or common action :alliance2: a combination of persons for unlawful purposes : conspiracy3: the body formed by persons, states, or nations united by a league ; specifically capitalized: the 11 southern states seceding from the United States in 1860 and 1861
What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders
What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders
What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders
What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders
cause they can
cause they can
Andrew Jackson received the most support from Southern Farmers in the 1824 election.
In exchange for Southern votes, promised to support locating the national capital on the banks of the Potomac River, the border between the two southern states, Virginia and Maryland.
Dixiecrats were angry he supported civil rights. Storm Thurmond took the support of southern Democrats.
Andrew Jackson received the most support from Southern Farmers in the 1824 election.
what deal helped to win the support for alexander hamilton's debt plan from southern states
To support the invasion of Southern Philippines