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It passed new laws for the colonists to follow those new laws

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Michelle Littel

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Q: What did townshend acts besides new taxes?
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Define townsend acts?

The Townshend Acts, The British Government called for new taxes in 1776. SO Parliament passed the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts said that the colonist had to pay taxs on all tea, paper, glass, lead, and paint imported from Britain. SO basically the Townshend acts made people pay taxes on certain items, people hated the new taxes and they could not afford them. So The Colonist Buycotted the tea (refused to buy it) Which lead to other events but that was mostly all about the townshend acts taxes boycott which i think it lead to the tea act all taxes where off exept for the tea.

How did Townshend plan to enforce new taxes?

Townshend planned to enforce the new taxes with the Commissioners of Customs Act of 1767, which established the American Board of Customs Commissioners.

How did Townshend plan to enforce his new taxes?

By sending a board of five commissioners to reside in the colonies (:

What did the colonist do when the townshend Acts were passed?

The British Parliament repealed some of the Townshend Act duties. While most of the new taxes were repealed, the tax on tea continued and the British government kept on trying to tax the colonists without their consent. This finally led to the Boston Tea Party, followed by the American Revolution.

What is the purpose of the townshend act?

The purpose of the townshend act was to strengthen the power of the British Parliment, along with the British Royals. Charles Townshend convinced Parliment to pass a series of laws imposing new taxes on the colonists which included special tax on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea imported by colonists. The acts also insured that colonial officials, such as judges and governors received salaries directly from the Royals.

Related questions

What did Townshend Acts create besides New Taxes?

It passed new laws for the colonists to follow those new laws

Define townsend acts?

The Townshend Acts, The British Government called for new taxes in 1776. SO Parliament passed the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts said that the colonist had to pay taxs on all tea, paper, glass, lead, and paint imported from Britain. SO basically the Townshend acts made people pay taxes on certain items, people hated the new taxes and they could not afford them. So The Colonist Buycotted the tea (refused to buy it) Which lead to other events but that was mostly all about the townshend acts taxes boycott which i think it lead to the tea act all taxes where off exept for the tea.

What did the Townshend Act create besides new taxes?

They boycotted goods

What was the affect of the Townshend acts?

the affect of the townshend acts were that new yorkers assembly was suspended until they agreed to provide housing for the troops.

How did Townshend plan to enforce new taxes?

Townshend planned to enforce the new taxes with the Commissioners of Customs Act of 1767, which established the American Board of Customs Commissioners.

What new taxes did Parliament create in 1767?

Townshend duties

What were the townshend?

The Townshend Acts is a law passed in 1767 that suspended New York's assembly until New Yorkers agreed to provide housing for the troops. which include glass, paint, lead, and tea.Revenue and Indemnity Acts (A+)

How did Townshend plan to enforce his new taxes?

By sending a board of five commissioners to reside in the colonies (:

What were the townshend act?

The Townshend Acts is a law passed in 1767 that suspended New York's assembly until New Yorkers agreed to provide housing for the troops. which include glass, paint, lead, and tea.Revenue and Indemnity Acts (A+)

What did the Townshend Acts impose?

It was a way to collect new taxes, but it invaded privacy with the writs of assistance.

How did the colonists. Protest the Townsend act?

Charles Townshend told parliament that he had a say to raise revenue in the colonies. So in 1767, parliament passed bid plan known as the Townshend acts. The first of the Townshend acts suspended new yorks assembly until new Yorkers agreed to provide housing for the troops.

What were the provisions of the townshend act?

It was a way to collect new taxes, but it invaded privacy with the writs of assistance.