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This is a Dictatorship.

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Q: What do you call a man who seized power and ruled the polis singlehandedly?
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What do you call a man who seized power and ruled the nation singlehandedly?

Such a person is called a Dictator or a Authoritarian ruler

What government is ruled by one person who seized power?


Who ruled over the titans until his son Zeus dethroned him and seized power for himself?

The timelord titan Kronos ruled before Zeus dethroned him.

What is the form of government that is ruled by someone who has seized power with the support of the people but rules alone?

According to Aristotle, demagoguery.

How was polis governed?

The government of the polis ruled a wide area that included not only the city but its surrounding villages and countryside as well

Spanish general who seized power in 1939 and ruled as a totalarian dictator for more than thirty years?

Dominic hoges corado

Spanish general who seized power in 1939 and ruled as a totalitarian dictator for more than 30 years?

General Francisco Franco

What is the difference between a colony and a polis.?

The organization of the city. A polis controlled itself, be it through a king, despot, democracy or whatever. A colony did not, it was ruled by another city.

What is Plato's ideal city polis?

Plato's ideal city is a city ruled by Philosphers

What was polis?

Polis is the Greek word for a city-state, that is a tract of farmland on which was built a city and its protective fortress (acro-polis = high city, that is the fortress on a hill, around which the city came to be built). It was independent - self ruled - which is why the term city-state is used.

What did the satraps do in Persia?

Satraps collected taxes, ruled legal court cases, represented his polis, etc in that critera.

What where greek city states run by?

Each city-state, or polis, had its own government. Some city states were monarchies ruled by kings or tyrants. Others were oligarchies ruled by a few powerful men on councils. The city of Athens invented the government of democracy and was ruled by the people for many years.