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Most citizens would not have access to information to help them make an imformed decision.

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Gracie Considine

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2y ago
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Jamir Kuhn

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2y ago

Most citizens would not have access to information to help them make an imformed decision.

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11y ago


at this time most people were illiterate and the delegates felt that since they were they needed a system to make sure their vote was counted so the electoral college was born

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14y ago

Most citizens would not have access to information to help them make an imformed decision.

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12y ago

They were the elite of their day. As elite men they must have thought most people weren't qualified to vote.

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6y ago

congress can declare war

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Q: What do you think caused some delegates to the constitutional convention of 1787 to be unwilling to let the people elect the president directly?
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Why was congress unwilling to give the president the power to veto bills?

Congress was not unwilling to give the President the veto power. Certain members of the Constitutional Convention were. Congress, as we know it today, did not write the Constitution. Some Framers of the Constitution did not favor the veto power, fearing it gave the President too much power of the legislative branch. In fact, many Framers felt the President should simply be an agent of the Congress subject to its direction and control.

Was President Johnson a hawk or dove?

hawkThe concept of Doves and Hawks didn't exist when there were MODERATE republicans. Since the parties have become so polarized and unwilling to compromise, our country has essentially gone to heck in a hand basket.yes of course!

Why did President Truman refuse Hos requests for help against the French?

President Truman refused Ho Chi Minh's request for help against the French because Truman viewed France as a vital ally in the struggle against the spread of communism in postwar Europe. He also was unwilling to back the Vietminh because of Ho's Communist Party connections.

What were the major conflicts of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 and how were they resolved?

Most delegates were acting under direct instructions from their states to repair the Articles of Confederation. The concept of creating a new government under a constitution was something that many were ill prepared to work on. A major problem was keeping a sufficient number of delegates on hand to actually pass an agreement on anything. The big state versus small state issues on representation were a constant point of argument. There were at this convention many of the great thinkers of early American History and many of them were unwilling to compromise on any issue.

What three factors helped to dramatically increase the budget deficit you the 1980S?

tax cuts, defense hikes, and that congress and the white house were unwilling to make serious budget cuts.

Related questions

What do you think caused some delegates to the constitution convention of 1787 to be unwilling to let the people elect the president directly?

By:Gallayat this time most people were illiterate and the delegates felt that since they were they needed a system to make sure their vote was counted so the electoral college was born

Why was congress unwilling to give the president the power to veto bills?

Congress was not unwilling to give the President the veto power. Certain members of the Constitutional Convention were. Congress, as we know it today, did not write the Constitution. Some Framers of the Constitution did not favor the veto power, fearing it gave the President too much power of the legislative branch. In fact, many Framers felt the President should simply be an agent of the Congress subject to its direction and control.

Why was President Wilson unwilling to cut off trade with Britain in World War I?

President Wilson was unwilling to cut off trade with Britain in World War 1 because the profitable trade with the Allies was extremely important to the United States.

What is the email address of srilankan president?

Normally Presidents have no email's actually or they are unwilling to give the personal one !

Who are the next 5 people in line after the president?

If the U. S. President dies, resigns or is removed from office, the Vice President immediately becomes the President. If there is no Vice President at that time, the Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives becomes the President. If there is no House Speaker at that time, or if the House Speaker is unable, unwilling or not qualified to be President, the President Pro Tempore of the U. S. Senate, who is by tradition the most senior member of the majority party of the Senate, becomes President. If there is no Senate President Pro Tem at that time, or if he/she is unable, unwilling or not qualified to be President, the U. S. Secretary of State becomes President. If there is no Secretary of State at that time, or if he/she is unable, unwilling or not qualified to be President, the U. S. Treasury Secretary becomes President (if qualified, willing and able). Whoever becomes President appoints a Vice President after taking office. That person takes office after both houses of Congress approve the appointment.

Sentence with the word unwilling?

He was unwilling to do as he was instructed.

How can you use unwilling in a sentence?

She was unwilling to attend the meeting due to her dislike of public speaking.

When was Unwilling Emigrants created?

Unwilling Emigrants was created in 1959.

What is the prefixes for willing?

To make it negative, you mean? That would be "un" - unwilling.

What is President Obama unwilling to change his mind about?

Health care. Keeping Bush tax cuts. Tax cuts increase revenue to the government and stimulate the economy.

When was The Unwilling Warlord created?

The Unwilling Warlord was created on 1989-10-01.

Is unwilling a verb?

No, "unwilling" is an adjective that describes someone who is not willing or refuses to do something.