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It's a voting term. It simply means that every person has voted for the motion.

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How do you spell unanimously?

Unanimously is the correct spelling.

Was the Declaration approved unanimously?

Yes it was approved unanimously.

What does the word 'unanimously' mean?

If you take a vote and a matter is passed unanimously, it means everyone voted 'yes' to it there were no 'abstentions' and no 'no' votes.

What did the unanimously adopt?

Unanimously adoption means accepting something without any objection. For instance, recently the UN unanimously adopted the Syria aid resolution.

How many presidents have been elected unanimously?

No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).

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Was John F. Kennedy unanimously elected?

No, actually George Washington was the only president unanimously elected.1st_president_only_unanimously_elected_Us_president

Was the 700-million-dollar bailout in the US passed unanimously?

The first time it was presented it was unanimously rejected. Then when it was re-introduced with amendments it wasn't passed unanimously but was passed with enough majority that is required to pass any bill.

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What is the pronunciation of the word unanimously?

The word "unanimously" is pronounced as yoo-nan-uh-muhs-lee.

What does get carried away mean?

The phrase don't get carried away means to not get overcome with emotion, or get carried away with ones actions.

What does carried away mean?

The phrase don't get carried away means to not get overcome with emotion, or get carried away with ones actions.