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George Washington was elected President of the Constitutional Convention by unanimous vote. The Constitutional Convention opened in 1787 in Philadelphia.

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Q: Who was unanimously elected president of the convention?
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How many presidents have been elected unanimously?

No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).

Why was George Washington important during the Constitutional Convention?

Robert moris Robert moris-The first order of the convention was to elect a president for the convention. Robert Morris of Pennsylvania nominated George Washington. Washington was elected convention president by a unanimous vote, just as he had been unanimously chosen to lead the Continental Army twelve years before. With George Washington unanimously elected, He accepted the honor reluctantly, protesting his lack of qualification. His opening remarks were addressed to the pride and idealism of the members: "Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair."

Who was elected president of the constitution convention?

At the Constitutional Convention, George Washington was elected president. The convention took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from May 25 to September 17, 1787.

Who was elected president of the constitutional convention?

George Washington was elected as president of the constitution convention.He was nominated for the position by Robert Morris of Pennsylvania.George Washington was elected President of the Constitutional Convention. He would go on to serve as the country's 1st President.

Who was unanimously elected to lead the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington was elected to preside over and moderate the Constitutional Convention, in recognition of his work in the American Revolution and because of the fact that he was well known and respected by all.

Related questions

Who was unanimously elected president of the Philadelphia Convention?

George Washington

Who was unanimously elected to lead the Convention?

George Washington.

How many presidents have been elected unanimously?

No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).

Unanimously elected chairman of the secret convention of demi-gods?

An 'assembly of demigods' is how Thomas Jefferson referred to the Constitutional Convention. George Washington was unanimously elected chairman.

Was John F. Kennedy unanimously elected?

No, actually George Washington was the only president unanimously elected.1st_president_only_unanimously_elected_Us_president

Was George Washington unanimously elected president?

yes, twice

What president was unanimously elected in 1789?

George Washington was the man's name.

Who was president of the convention?

George Washington was unanimously selected as the presiding officer of the convention.

Why was George Washington important during the Constitutional Convention?

Robert moris Robert moris-The first order of the convention was to elect a president for the convention. Robert Morris of Pennsylvania nominated George Washington. Washington was elected convention president by a unanimous vote, just as he had been unanimously chosen to lead the Continental Army twelve years before. With George Washington unanimously elected, He accepted the honor reluctantly, protesting his lack of qualification. His opening remarks were addressed to the pride and idealism of the members: "Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair."

Who unanimously elected president of the us after the revolutionary war ended?

George Washington

What president was unanimously elected and never lived in the White House?

George Washington.

How excited was Washington about being president?

He did not want to be President, but once he agreed to do it, he was no doubt happy to be elected unanimously.