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what does it mean to say that there are different publics that help make up public opinion

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Q: What does it mean to say that there are different publics that help make up public opinion?
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What is the purpose of opinion polls?

To give insight on the likely outcome. Also to help determine the public opinion.

How do lobbyists try to influence government and public opinion?

They use a number of different methods to promote the action they seek. They argue in support of bills they favor and against bills they oppose. They place adds in the mass media, promise to help government officials. Lobbyists sometimes urge local groups and individuals to send letters to public officials.

Why are government officials interested in public opinion?

Because the opinions of the people will affect the public officials' careers and help then know how to help the people they serve.

The advantages and disadvantages of opinion polls relating to political elections?

Opinion polls relating to political elections are advantageous because they can give insight into public opinions of the candidates. They are disadvantageous because they poll only select groups and do not always give an accurate portrayal of true public opinion.

What factors help insulate the US Supreme Court from public opinion?

Supreme Court Justices are not elected; they are nominated by the President, and confirmed by the Senate. They don't have to worry about the opinions of constituents or partisan politics (once they are on the bench).Their terms do not run out; they serve for life or until they choose to step down (unless removed from office by impeachment and trial). They don't need to please the public in order to retain their positions.They are not subject to censure for expressing an independent opinion, even if the opinion is unpopular. The House of Representatives can't file articles of impeachment simply because they don't like a justice's decisions. Similarly, the Constitution does not allow Congress to penalize justices financially.As justices of the highest appellate Court in the United States, their decisions are final. Their decisions can't be overturned by electoral referendum, Presidential veto, or Congressional legislation (although Congress frequently rewrites nullified legislation to conform with the Court's opinion). Rulings may be overturned by Constitutional Amendment, but this is rare.Decisions are made, and can be justified, by reasoning tied to legal precedents and Constitutional mandates, and do not have to follow popular opinion (although they may). There is no pressure to be majoritarian.For a perspective on how the Supreme Court is influenced by public opinion, see Related Questions, below.

Related questions

What mirrors public opinion but also helps it?

The events that happen in the day to day mirrors the public opinion. The political leaders and the media help shape it.

Where can one locate public opinion polls?

There are many places you can go to locate public opinion polls. There are a lot of databases on the internet that will help you find what you are looking for such as The University of Chicago Library.

How can the media help shape public opinion?

by providing information to a large number of people

How can the mass help shape public opinion?

by providing information to a large number of people

What do public officials do with public opinion polls?

Opinion polls are an attempt to accurately measure the opinion of the public on an issue. They vary in quality depending on how and when they are taken and the questions they ask. Officials use them to help guide their decisions and please the public. Sometimes they use them to justfy their decisions. In this case, the questions are usually slanted to produce the answer they want.

How did photography help with public opinion concerning the war?

a bank a a place you need to go to get some money

Are aluminum windows a good choice for my home?

I need to hear publics opinion on aluminum windows and would they be a good fit for a huge home are they durable and would they look cool also, I'm not sure and need help understanding would they be a good choice

Mass media can help shape public opinion by?

Mass media can shape public opinion by controlling the information that is presented to the public, influencing how issues are framed and discussed, and setting the agenda for what topics are considered important. Through the power of storytelling and representation, mass media can sway public sentiment and shape collective attitudes towards different issues and events.

What is the purpose of opinion polls?

To give insight on the likely outcome. Also to help determine the public opinion.

Should public opinion be ignored?

Public opinion should not be ignored, as it reflects the collective views and values of a society. However, it should not be the sole factor in decision-making, as careful consideration of facts, evidence, and expert analysis is also crucial. Balancing public opinion with other factors ensures that decisions are well-informed and in the best interest of all stakeholders.

Why did this image help turn American public opinion against the war in Vietnam?

We don't have the image you were given so the question can't be answered.

What of the following mirrors public opinion but also helps share shape it?

the media -nonovant or grad point