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A constitution provides the basic law of a body politic. The constitution defines the government, describes how it is organized and how the people who make it up are to be chosen and specifies what powers the government can and can not exercise.

Michael Montagne Additionally, the Constitution of the United States, which was completed after the Declaration of Independence in the late 1770's, contains a group of special freedoms called the Bill of Rights. These special freedoms were enshrined in the Constitution by the founders of the country in order that they always form a back-bone of liberty for America's citizens.

Included are (not in any special order) freedom of speech, assembly, peaceful use of firearms in a state militia, press freedom, freedom from unlawful search and seizure, freedom from having military troops bedding in your home (a common breach with the British back then).

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8y ago
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12y ago

The constitution establishes a predecent for the congress, judicial, and executive branches to consider when making laws and judging other activities. It was created to prevent the existence of another monarchy, like the one established in England (a system of checks and balances).

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13y ago

The U.S. Constitution is like a map-out of the U.S. It sets out rules and plans for the U.S. Explaining the election of a president, the impeachment process, how new states are added, who takes over if the president dies, etc. So it's very important.

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15y ago

The Constitution of the United States of America "founded" all of the branches of the United States Government the Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial. Giving them their powers and so on.

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12y ago

It protects the rights and liberties of American citizens, while also keeping the government in check to make sure corruption is suppressed

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13y ago

The Constitution of the United States of America, along with it's amendments, establishes and protects the rights of every citizen in the nation.

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11y ago

it gives you freedom

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