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it means that we are all united in the u.s.a.

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6y ago

We the people: the government all the people in the united states.

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Q: What does the preamble mean by we the people...?
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What does mean in the poster?

The future decendents of the u.s.a as the preamble says "People"

What does we the people in the preamble mean?

Everybody, our nation big or small, black or white. We the people. everybody is "the people".

What does we the people mean in the preamble?

Everybody, our nation big or small, black or white. We the people. everybody is "the people".

What part of the Constitution starts with the we the people?


Who is the preamble for?

The preamble is for "We The People" or the citizens of the United States Of America.

How does the preamble starts?

The Preamble to the United States Constitution starts we the people of the United States. The preamble serves only as an introduction to the Constitution.

What does in order mean in the preamble?

the mean that freedom

Which section of the Constitution opens with the words We the People?

the preamble

Is a preamble a power of the people?

No, a preamble is the introduction to a document. Usually a legal one.

What are the preamble concepts?

we are the people.

How does preamble start?

We, the people...

What did the preamble mean in that time?
