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they brought over new traids and brought a diffrent form of speach like slang and text that canadiand have not heard because they are more influenced by britain

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Henriette Pagac

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Q: What effect did the movement of loyalist have on Canada?
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What effect did the loyalist movement have on Canada?

they brought over new traids and brought a diffrent form of speach like slang and text that canadiand have not heard because they are more influenced by britain

What effects did the American Revolution have?

i really don't know but the loyalist had an effect on it

Was Felix holbrook a loyalist?

Yes, Felix Holbrook was a loyalist during the American Revolutionary War. He supported the British monarchy and opposed the American independence movement.

How did the end of the war effect the loyalist?

it stop british fro have food and supplies

What were the effects of the loyalist migration?

The most significant effect of the Loyalist migration was that the US lost its best and brightest minds as well as its hardest and most capable workers.

What has the author Barbaranne Wright written?

Barbaranne Wright has written: 'Loyalist Children of Upper Canada' 'Loyalist military settlers of Upper Canada' -- subject(s): Claims, Genealogy, History, Registers, Registers of births, United Empire loyalists 'UE Loyalists and Military Claimants of Upper Canada'

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When was Student Christian Movement of Canada created?

Student Christian Movement of Canada was created in 1895.

After the treaty of Paris was signed about 90000 loyalist became refugees where did the half of them resettle?

The area That Later Became Canada

After the treaty of Paris was signed about 90000 loyalist became refugees. Where did about half of them resettle?

The area That Later Became Canada

After the Treaty of Paris was signed about 90000 loyalist became refugees where did about half of them resettled?

The area That Later Became Canada

Was lord Charles Cornwallis patriot or a loyalist?

No, General Cornwallis was a loyalist fought the patriots George Washington and then surrender