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During and after War of Independence in America, political, social and cultural beliefs of the nation changed dramatically. It took thirteen different colonies to set aside differences, come together and end the British rule. After the struggle, an extremely strong and hard working group of citizens emerged out from a battered nation, giving the country hope and courage.

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10y ago
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10y ago

The British offered slaves who fought for their side their freedom, but there were also slaves who served as servants to Patriot officers. There is the famous painting of Francis Marion (the Swamp Fox) hiding in the swamps with his personal servant building the fire.

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11y ago

The revolution was irrelevant to the slaves; they were slaves before the revolution and they remained slaves after the revolution. It wasn't until the Civil War that things changed.

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12y ago

Like you really need to know...

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Ajay Bakhda

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1y ago
actually, i do!

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13y ago

It was eliminated in the north

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Q: What effects did the American Revolution have on slaves?
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What were the effects of the American Revolution?

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Masters controlled the slaves during the American Revolution. Mostly the war was fought in the north then in the south. So the war didn't effect their living really.

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Trade slowed after the American Revolution. The Continental Congress decreed that no imports would enter the American colonies, including slaves.

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Slaves revolts will increase all over the Caribbean as the enslaved receive news that the success of the Haitian revolution

How many slaves that participated in the American Revolution died?

not enough if we still lost