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This battle was actually started by accident! No one knows which American shot first, but it was done so out of fear or nervousness. Not often is it mentioned in American History regarding the British the fact that the Americans hated the British because they were taxed to death. Where the British went (in other countries such as Ireland, etc.) taxes would bend the backs of the poor men! The 13 American colonies revolted against their British rulers in 1775. The war on April 19, when British regulars fired on the Minutemen of Lexington, Mass. The fighting ended with the surrender of the British at Yorktown on Oct. 19, 1781. In 1783 Great Britain signed a formal treaty recognizing the independence of the colonies. General Thomas Gage the military governor of Massachusetts had received orders from England to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock, accused of stirring up rebellion in the colony. On April 18th Gage sent a detachment of 800 troops to Lexington, where the "traitors" were staying. The troops were to arrest the 2 men, then push on to Concord to destroy military supplies stores there by the colonists. News of the expedition leaked out, and 2 minutemen (as colonial militia were called), William Dawes and Paul Revere, rode through the country warning people that the British regulars were coming. Revere was captured by Samuel Prescott. When the troops reached Lexington they found approx. 50 minutemen in the open square in the center of town. John Pitcairn, the British commander, ordered the rebels to disperse. Both sides milled about in confusion and shooting broke out. No one knows who shot first (out of fear and nervousness) and 9 Americans were killed and 10 were wounded. The others scattered and the British went on toward Concord. Hancock and Adams, warned of their coming, had already fled. The soldiers arrived at Concord at 7 AM. During the night the colonists had hidden most of their stores and ammunition. What they had not been able to hide, the British set about destroying. Then they met the minutemen of the Old North Bridge over the Concord River and fired upon them. The Americans fired back, and the war had begun. In this skirmish the British numbered about 200 and the Americans 400. The Americans poured over the bridge. The British began a retreat to Boston at about noon. Meanwhile, the farmers, from behind rocks, fences, and building, picked off the British soldiers. At Lexington the fleeing redcoats met another detachment of 1500 soldiers sent out by General Gage. Thus strengthened, the British returned to Boston, having suffered 274 killed and wounded and 25 missing. The American loss was 88 killed and wounded.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the American Revolution, not a separate war. British soldiers were sent to seize militia arms and ammunition stored in Concord. They were intercepted by the Minutemen at Lexington Green but the resistance was brief and the Americans withdrew with a few casualties. When the British reached Concord, the Americans had gained additional support and the ‘shot heard around the world’ was fired. The British column retreat turned into a rout under heavy sniping.

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15y ago

First shots fired between American and British troops, on April 19, 1775. The British chose to march to Concord because it was an arms depot. This meant that the Americans had stockpiled weapons there. British troops had occupied Boston and were marching on Concord as they passed through Lexington. No one is still sure who fired first, but it was the "Shot Heard 'Round the World." Both sides opened fire, and the Americans were forced to withdraw. But they had slowed the British advance. By the time the Redcoats got to Concord, the Americans were waiting for them in force. The weapons depot was saved, and the British were forced to retreat, harassed by militiamen along the way. The skirmishes were preceded by Paul Revere's famous ride, warning the countryside: "The British are Coming!"

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12y ago

First, the Fort Ticonderoga Falls. Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold deciced to try to take Fort Ticonderoga.

The Battle of Bunker Hill also led up to the first shot of Lexington.

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George burnerd Alfonzo

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Q: What events led to the battles of Lexington and Concord?
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How did the battles of Lexington and Concord lead many colonists to call for independence from Britain?

At the formal start of the American War for Independence, the Battles of Lexington and Concord led to support for the independence movement for several reasons. For one thing, the Lexington battle demonstrated yet again the British willingness to shed American blood, and this galvanized many Americans. For another thing, the American victory at Concord inspired confidence in many Americans that the British could be beaten in a war.

What did captain john Parker do?

he led the Americans in the battle of lexington and concord against the british

Who led the battle of Lexington and concord?

No one led the battle of Lexington. It was an event that just happened and history does not report who fired the first shot. The British were enroute to Concord when they found the 77 colonist on the Lexington green. Someone fired the first shot and soon a battle began. When it was all done the British reorganized and continued their march to Concord.

What events led to the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation?

Open hostilities of the Revolutionary War began on April 19, 1775 between US militiamen and British forces at the Battles of Lexington and Concord. After a year with some military successes, the Declaration of Independence was issued on July 4, 1776. The Articles of Confederation were adopted for government of the combined states on March 1, 1781 (near the end of major fighting in the war).

Who was the British commander at the end of the American revolution?

I'm not sure, but i think his nickname is redcoat.

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What led to the events of Lexington?

The events were that there was a battle of Concord.

What event led to battles of lexington and concord?

George burnerd Alfonzo

Did the Boston massacre lead to the revolutionary war?

Yes , I think it did. It led toward it, but the start of it was the battles of Lexington and concord.

What two battles sparked the Revolutionary War?

The battle of Lexington and the battle of concord. Both were individual battles that later led to the American Revolution. Remember, the Boston Massacre was not a battle, but instead a propaganda created by Paul Revere to make people turn against the British. :-)

How did the battles of Lexington and Concord lead many colonists to call for independence from Britain?

At the formal start of the American War for Independence, the Battles of Lexington and Concord led to support for the independence movement for several reasons. For one thing, the Lexington battle demonstrated yet again the British willingness to shed American blood, and this galvanized many Americans. For another thing, the American victory at Concord inspired confidence in many Americans that the British could be beaten in a war.

Why is Lexington and concord important?

It led up to the start of the American Revolution.

What led to the fighting at Lexington and Concord and how did it affect the conflict with Great Britain?


What led up to the battles of Lexington?

Several events led to the Battle of Lexington. It started when the British government heavily taxed American colonies. Then came a chain of reaction that urged American colonies to take up arms against the British.

What event led to the first shots being fired at the battles of Lexington and Concord?

The principal events that led to armed conflict were the taxes on the colonists, the increase of military presences in the colonies, and after the Boston Tea Party, Britain's declaration that Massachusetts was in open rebellion. The British had passed the Intolerable Acts to principally attack Massachustts and on April 18, 1775 the British troops were planning to march on Concord that night. Joseph Warren got ahold of this information and immediately dispatched couriers to alert residents of the news. This allowed colonists to arm themselves and meet the British for battle at Lexington.

What did captain john Parker do?

he led the Americans in the battle of lexington and concord against the british

Who led the battle of Lexington and concord?

No one led the battle of Lexington. It was an event that just happened and history does not report who fired the first shot. The British were enroute to Concord when they found the 77 colonist on the Lexington green. Someone fired the first shot and soon a battle began. When it was all done the British reorganized and continued their march to Concord.

What was Thomas gauge most famous for?

Thomas Gauge is important to the history of the United States because of his time as governor of Massachusetts. He was charged with enforcing the Intolerable Acts and attempted to prevent the colonists from revolting. His orders to confiscate weapons from the rebels led to the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which were the earliest battles of the Revolutionary War.