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The Constitution gives the president the power to prorogue a session of Congress if the two houses can not agree on a date. This is found in Article 2 of the Constitution.

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Q: What gives the president the power to prorogue a session of congress only if the two houses cannot agree on a date?
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When can the President prorogue a session of Congress?

The president has the power to prorogue a session of congress. This can happen only if two houses cannot agree on a date for adjournment.

Who has the power to prorogue Congress?

article 2, section 3 of the constittution gives the president the power to prorogue, or adjourn, a session,but only when two houses cannot agree on a date for adjournment.

What can the President do if the two houses of Congress cannot agree on a date to adjourn?

He can prorogue

What does the president do if the two houses of Congress cannot agree on a date to adjourn?

The President has the power to prorogue BUT only when the two houses cannot agree on a date for adjournment , no President has ever had to use this power.

When might the president ask congress to hold a special session?

The president ask congress to hold a special session when the two houses cannot agree on a date to adjourn or in an emergency situation.

Can the president keep Congress in Washington?

He cannot forcibly prevent them from adjourning but he can ask to address them if he has some urgent message and call on them to act. He can call a special session if they are out of session.

Can the president bypass Congress in any of his appointments?

The president cannot bypass a Constitutionally mandated consent to an appointment. Congress has authorized the president to make certain appointments without Senate approval, but that does not mean that the president is bypassing the Senate. In addition, the president may make temporary appointments when the Senate is not in session, but those are must eventually be confirmed when the Senate reconvenes.

What is the advantage of a pocket veto over a regular veto for a president?

For the president the advantage would be that pocket vetoes cannot be overridden by congress. The pocket vetoed bill simply disappears until it is started again in another session of congress. A normal veto can be overridden but only about 4% have been.

What powers did congress not have the power to do?

Congress cannot compel the President to testify.

Can the president suspend congress?

No. The Congress derives its power from the Constitution, not from the president. The president and Congress are co-equal branches of the govenerment: the president cannot suspend the congress, and the Congress cannot suspsend the Presidency

What are some reasons a president might call for a special session after congress has adjourned?

There are several reasons that a president may call for a special session after Congress has adjourned. These reasons can be for the purpose of settling a dispute between the two houses, to ratify treaties, or for consent for appointments.

If the two houses of congress cannot agree on adjournment who sets the time?

The president sets the time if the two houses of Congress cannot agree on adjournment. This power is given to the president by the Constitution.