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After the American Revolution ended, the Articles of Confederation were written and ratified in 1777. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress became the single branch of the national government. However, Congress would have limited powers in order to protect the liberties of the people. Congress could settle conflicts among the states, make and borrow money, and make treaties with Native Americans and other countries. Each state had one vote in Congress. Some problems with the Articles of Confederation were that states could refuse to provide money and soldiers, and there was not president or national court system.

Congress passed the Land Ordinance of 1785 to set up a system of dividing the western lands it now controlled. The land was split into townships of 36 square miles which were divided into 36 lots of 640 acres each.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the Northwest Territory, which included today's Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Congress agreed that the Northwest Territory would be divided into several smaller territories with a governor appointed by Congress. The settlers could draft their own constitution and ask to join the Union when the population of a territory reached 60,000.

The final draft of the Constitution was completed in September 1787, four months after the Constitutional Convention met to improve the Articles of Confederation. 39 out of 42 delegates signed the Constitution, which was then sent to Congress and the states for ratification. This created a United States government like we know it today.

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  1. American business flourished.
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Americans making the Constitution, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Embargo Act, The War of 1812, The Civil War

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Hmmm, everything? This question is too vague and broad and needs to be redefined with a more specific target question.

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people went on strike

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