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The ERA was ratified by 30 state legislatures by the end of 1973. But many opponents came forward to block the ERA. Phylis Schlafly, a conservative activist, founded the group STOP ERA to prevent its ratification.

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Q: What happened during the ratification process of the Equal Rights Amendment?
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Equal Rights Amendment

This proposed amendment caused questions when states revoked their ratification.?

Equal Rights Amendment

In the 1970s the Equal Rights Amendment was submitted by Congress to the states for ratification. The Equal Rights Amendment would have guaranteed equal rights for women. During the ratification proce?

The Right to Equal treatment under the law.

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No no no, she actively campaigned for the ratification. She was in favor.

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Equal Rights Amendment?

Supported by the National Organization for Women, this amendment would prevent all gender-based discrimination practices. However, it never passed the ratification process.

What were the purpose and meaning of the Bill of Rights as it emerged from the ratification process?

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. The purpose and meaning of the Bill of Rights as it emerged from the ratification process, was to preserve the liberties England's revolution laws threatened.

Why equal rights amendment caused questions because?

The equal rights amendment caused questions as a result of states revoking their ratification rights. This amendment was finally ratified in 1992 which was more than 202 years after it was first introduced into Congress.

When ratified the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Right?

In 1789 during the ratification process, the Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights.

What happened during the ratification of the Equal rights amendment?

The ERA was ratified by 30 state legislatures by the end of 1973. But many opponents came forward to block the ERA. Phylis Schlafly, a conservative activist, founded the group STOP ERA to prevent its ratification.