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The weakness in the Articles of Confederation was due to it's loose connection of the states, which gave the federal government little power such as the ability to tax. The Articles of Confederation weren't corrected instead The Constitution replaced it, which gave the federal government much more authority and power and strongly united the country.

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Estefany Gomez

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According to article two of the Articles of confederation which powers are granted to the state?

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The constitution gave more power to the Federal Government as opposed to the States. Shay's Rebellion was the catalyst for this.

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the writers of the constitution corrected an economic weakness under the articles of confederation when they?

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Q: What helped correct a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
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Was the Constitutional Convention of 1787 legal?

This wasn't legal but these meetings helped improve our government which is now known as our current government This wasn't legal but these meetings helped improve our government which is now known as our current government

How did john hamilton gray contribute to confederation?

yes John Hamilton Gray of PEI is in favour of confederation

What Rebellion caused the leaders finally to call for a Constitutional Convention?

OK so here's how it really happened. Shays Rebellion- All of the farmers rebelled because the government was not helping them financially. They burned down government buildings. Congress had no right to stop them and had no control over them according to the Articles of Confederation, so they just watched the in terror. THIS BROUGHT EVERYONE TO REALIZE THAT THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION WAS TOO WEAK. The convention was called to fix it but we realized that it had too many flaws and just created a new constitution. Hoped that helped :)

How did railways lead to confederation?

It helped the confederation of Canada because it would help to trade to buy and sell goods to other colonies rather than just to your own colony which wouldn't help them at all....

What primary sources inspired the US Constitution?

AnswerThe Founding Fathers were well read and knowledgeable in the history of democracy. Some of the common documents cited as part of the influence include: The Mayflower Compact (1620)The Magna Carta (1215)Early state documents including those of Connecticut and MassachusettsThe English Bill of Rights (1689)The Articles of Confederation (1777)

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Shays's rebellion helped to prove which of the following points?

The Articles of Confederation did not work

Which of the following replaced the Articles of Confederation and helped put America's government into place?


Why did the states approve a government with many weakness?

Despite the weaknesses of the Articles, the Confederation government accomplished some important tasks. Perhaps its greatest achievement was establishing a fair policy for the development of the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. hope this helped!(: -LuLu

How did Thomas Paine help the war effort?

He wrote 'Common Sense'Thomas Paine help the war in a few different ways. The main way that he helped was by the ratification of the Articles of Confederation.

What was a power shared by both the state and congress that helped weaken the articles of confederation?

declare war and make treaties

How did this political belief system affect the creation of the Articles of Confederation?

In the first place, what political belief system are they talking about idk! Anyway, whoever it is they are talking about did probably affect the creation of the Articles of Confederation because of their many laws that helped keep peace within the civilization.

How was Benjamin Franklin affected by the Revolutionary War?

After the war, he helped form the Articles of Confederation and later the Constitution. He died in April 17, 1790.

Who helped write the articles of confederation-?

Hi It should be John Nixon or John Dixon according to social studies .

What ideas did from the magna carta and the English bill of rights help create?

It made helped Americans create new government. ( Articles of Confederation)

How did Thomas help the war effort?

He wrote 'Common Sense'Thomas Paine help the war in a few different ways. The main way that he helped was by the ratification of the Articles of Confederation.

What was one success story about the articles of confederation?

The main successes of the Articles of Confederation was the steps it took toward the constitution and national unity. It was the first document binding the colonies together. It was a necissary step between complete state independence to a written constituion. It helped create unity because it showed what needed to be changed when the constitution was written.

How did Thomas pain help war effort?

He wrote 'Common Sense'Thomas Paine help the war in a few different ways. The main way that he helped was by the ratification of the Articles of Confederation.