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The incredible job that General Washington's spies did of providing misinformation to the British as well as the french navy's assistance of blocking any retreat.

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The French Navy's assistance.

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The French Navy's assistance.

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Q: What helped the American win the battle of Yorktown?
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What battle helped end the American revolution?

the Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution.

How did the Yorktown battle help to win the American revolution war?

Well accually yorktown itself helped the war because of the location the town. There was a river so the french could stop the beeotches from escaping across the river and also it was very hilly so while the beeotches climbed up the hill the american would shoot them down. LIKE MY BUNNY! (\_/) ---------------------------------------------------------------(-o-)/) ---------------------------------------------------------------(")(")

Which battles did George Washington win?

If you are asking about the French and Indian war. He didn't win any and may have helped start the war. In the American Revolution he lost the first few but after Trenton he began to win and won the final battle ( with the help of the French) at Yorktown.

Purpose of Yorktown?

During the American Revolutionary War, the purpose of the Yorktown battle in 1781 was different for each of the sides involved. For the British, the purpose was to strike a serious blow to the Colonies by occupying the important colony of Virginia. For the Americans (aided by their French allies), the purpose was to counter the British invasion and, with some luck, to win a battle that would have decisive results for the entire war.

What battles did the Americans win in the American Revolution?

I don't really know but they got General Cornwallis to surrender by surrounding him, with a French Navy blocking off Chesapeake Bay and the Americans behind him. General Nathaniel Greene exhausted them by attacking, then running. The British plundered civilian homes and bad feelings soon arose.

Related questions

What battle helped end the American revolution?

the Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution.

What helped the Americans win the battle at Yorktown?

The French Navy's assistance.

How did George Washington win the battle of Yorktown?

The French helped the Continental army surrond Yorktown and trap the British.

Who was the French navy admiral who helped win the battle of Yorktown?

Admiral De Grasse

Who helped Washington win Yorktown?

the peopple who helped Washington win Yorktown were... -john paul Jones -

What bay did the French Navy help win the American Revolution?

The Battle of the Chesapeake Bay which preceeded the Battle of Yorktown.

Which country helped the americans win the battle of yorktown?

Ummmm, p00p shituh and c-um

In which city did an American victory bring about the end of the American Revolution?

The battle at Yorktown was a big win towards the end of the war. It was the last major battle. After the victory at Yorktown, the British realized the war was too costly to continue.

Did the British win or the Americans win at the battle of Yorktown?

The Americans

Did the Americans win the battle of Yorktown?


How do Americans win the battle of Yorktown?

they fight.

How did the Yorktown battle help to win the American revolution war?

Well accually yorktown itself helped the war because of the location the town. There was a river so the french could stop the beeotches from escaping across the river and also it was very hilly so while the beeotches climbed up the hill the american would shoot them down. LIKE MY BUNNY! (\_/) ---------------------------------------------------------------(-o-)/) ---------------------------------------------------------------(")(")