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Mayflower compact (: -i feel smart now-<3

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Mayflower Compact.

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Q: What influenced the Constitutional Convention's process of drafting the Constitution?
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What influence the constitutional conventions process of drafting the constitution?

Mayflower compact (: -i feel smart now-&lt;3

What is constitutional convention?

A constitutional convention is a meeting held in 1787 to consider changes to the Articles Of Confederation; resulted in the drafting of the Constitution.

What were the responsibilities of the delegates?

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention were responsible for drafting the US Constitution. There were 55 delegates but only 39 signed the Constitution.

What role did Washington play in the drafting of the U.S. constitution?

Thomas Jefferson

What was a major obstacle to drafting a new constitution At the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was?

disagreement between the states over representation in congress

What was a major obstacle to drafting a new constitution at the Constitutional Convention of 1787'?

disagreement between the states over representation in congress

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a major obstacle to drafting a new constitution was the?

Disagreement between the states over representation in congress

What federalists attended the constitutional convention?

A Federalist was someone who supporte the drafting of a new constitution creating a strong central government.

What was the relationship between the Annapolis convention and the constitutional convention?

They both had to do with making changes to the articles of confederation; resulted in the drafting of the constitution.

Who started the constitution in Australia?

Australia's constitution did not start with a single person. As the Australian colonies moved towards Federation, a series of constitutional conventions were held, in the 1890s. Each of the colonies sent delegates to the conventions to have a say in the drafting of the constitution. The key representatives in the development of the constitution were:Edmund Barton, who was to become the first Prime Minister of AustraliaAlfred Deakin, who later became the second Prime Minister of AustraliaAndrew Inglis ClarkJohn QuickSir Robert Randolph Garran, who became the first solicitor-general of Australia.Samuel Griffith, the first chief justice of the High Court of AustraliaSir Richard BakerCharles Kingston

Why were the delegates willing to compromise with one another in drafting the constitution?

what the delegates gained by agreeing to the compromise was that at the constitutional convention was that everyone had a different idea for a new government

How did the Federalist Papers 2 and 3 directly affect the drafting of the Constitution?

The Federalist Papers played an essential role in the ratification of the constitution because they promoted its ratification to states like the New York Legislature that did not want to ratify it. It worked.