Y is for the letter Y. The letter Y, along with K & Z, were not part of the original Latin alphabet.
That the media reports on news events with a pre-conceived bias. MSNBC and Fox are accused of having a heavy liberal and conservative slant respectively, while ABC-CBS-NBC are considered middle-of-the-road.
They haven't. PBS, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and FOX News love to play watchdog and find out when criminal activities are taking place. Such as the recent scandal involving certain people in the USA Secret Service and prostitutes in Columbia, when President Obama went there for a visit. The USA news media was all over that story.
Civil War ABC's A: Appomattox Courthouse B: battle of the bull run (1st and 2nd) C: Confederacy D: Davis (Jefferson) E: Emancipation Proclamation F: freedom for slaves G: Gettysburg (Battle of) H: Honest Abe I: Industrialization J: Jefferson Davis K: knapsack L: Lincoln M: Mississippi River N: North Star O: Oak Grove battlegrounds P: Presidential Election of 1864 Q: Quincy Adams' Son R: Robert E Lee S: Sumter (fort) T: Thirteenth Amendment U: Union V: Vicksburg W: women disguised themselves as men to fight. X: xenophobia Y: Yankees Z: Zeal
Well, I highly doubt that anyone has recently or previously tried to assassinate President Obama. But if someone has recently or previously tried to assassinate President Obama, news-casters would report the incident on the national news networks, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.
"Xystus" could be an option for an ancient Rome ABC book. Xystus was a type of open portico used in ancient Roman architecture, typically used for exercise or walking.
Octavian Caesar (Augustus)
Isis one of the goddeses of ancient Egypt
Eternal life and farming
Sit on my face plz
An ABC book is a book, often written for children, containing prompts to teach them letters of the alphabet.
"Yield" could be a good choice for a Y word in an ABC book on energy. It relates to the amount of energy produced by a system or process.
AN ABC book report for forged by fire is to give your main opinion for it and how you felt about the book
Use Yankee. It might help.