A presidential appointment is one to a position in the judicial branch, the presidential Cabinet, or in any federal agency within the behemoth that is our bureaucracy. Many appointees undergo a nomination process where they are either confirmed or rejected by the United State Senate. There are several thousand other appointments to other positions as members of boards and heads of agencies which do not require confirmation. Those which require confirmation by the Senate are designated in the Constitution or in legislation which establishes the position involved. Military commissions require confirmation, as well.
The congressional appointment is the process in which the House of Representatives is redistributed to each state according to its population. Every 10 years, the number of representatives each state sends into the House of Representatives changes according to how many people live at that moment in the state.
The process by which congressional representatives are allocated to states
Congressional District 35
8th congressional district
Congressional Caucuses pursue common Legislative objectives
MD 3rd Congressional District
The Senate
Congressional recess
The process of redetermining how many representatives each state gets is known as the United States congressional appointment. This appointment process is based on the overall population distribution throughout the country.
The process by which congressional representatives are allocated to states
Vacated congressional seats are generally filled by appointment by the governor of the state.
The 435 members of the House of Representatives aren't appointed officials. They are elected by the voters of their States and Congressional Districts (within the states) to two-year terms of office.
Congressional record
There are 29 Representatives from New York in the US House of Representatives, as of January 2011.Bishop, Timothy, 1st Congressional DistrictIsrael, Steve, 2nd Congressional DistrictKing, Pete, 3rd Congressional DistrictMcCarthy, Carolyn, 4th Congressional DistrictAckerman, Gary, 5th Congressional DistrictMeeks, Gregory W., 6th Congressional DistrictCrowley, Joseph, 7th Congressional DistrictNadler, Jerrold, 8th Congressional DistrictWeiner, Anthony D., 9th Congressional DistrictTowns, Edolphus, 10th Congressional DistrictClarke, Yvette D., 11th Congressional DistrictVelázquez, Nydia M., 12th Congressional DistrictGrimm, Michael, 13th Congressional DistrictMaloney, Carolyn, 14th Congressional DistrictRangel, Charles B., 15th Congressional DistrictSerrano, José E., 16th Congressional DistrictEngel, Eliot, 17th Congressional DistrictLowey, Nita, 18th Congressional DistrictHayworth, Nan, 19th Congressional DistrictGibson, Chris, 20th Congressional DistrictTonko, Paul D., 21st Congressional DistrictHinchey, Maurice, 22nd Congressional DistrictOwens, Bill, 23rd Congressional DistrictHanna, Richard, 24th Congressional DistrictBuerkle, Ann Marie, 25th Congressional DistrictLee, Christopher J., 26th Congressional DistrictHiggins, Brian, 27th Congressional DistrictSlaughter, Louise, 28th Congressional DistrictReed, Tom, 29th Congressional District[January 2011]
That depends on who has the appointment, for example:I have an appointment.You have an appointment. (singular)He has an appointment. (the third person, singular uses the verb 'has')It has an appointment. (the car, perhaps)We have an appointment.You have an appointment. (plural)They have an appointment.
Congressional District 35
Congressional REcord