Your question makes makes little sense. You do not state your subject of the argument.
A hierarchy, to separate that dominant group from the lesser peoples. Also, a means to keep the dominant group in power.
I don't know what the land itself is called, but the government does own Puerto Rico, but it is not a state. A few years back there was an argument on whether it should be or not. I hope that helped.
In a personal argument the use of obscenity.
Does this list make his argument more or less convincing? Why?
you will become as small as your controlling desire as great as your dominant as piration?
To have an argument called Debate
It means for 2 things have a argument then solve it with peace
IT is called a closing argument
Male jaguars are generally more dominant in the animal kingdom. However, when it comes to the female jaguar protecting her children, the female can become pretty aggressive and controlling/dominant.
Domineering / Dominant. Governing, leading, overriding. Bossy. Controlling. Dictating.
English laws controlling trade were not strictly enforced
because it dominates the phenotype
because it dominates the phenotype
because it dominates the phenotype
A dominant allele is called dominant because its effects will be expressed in the phenotype when present in the genotype, regardless of whether the individual has one or two copies of the allele.
The dominant figure is always the "alpha" male.