The coin is still only face value.
Value is about $18.00
It depends on the denomination (or weight ) of the coin.
Spot price of silver today is $17.90 buy price for this coin should be about $15.00
Spot price of silver as of today is $17.90 buy price for this coin should be about $15.00
The Lincoln cent.
The value of an uncirculated 1999 Silver American Eagle Littleton coin fluctuates based on the market for silver. However, a coin can be expected to have a value of about $40.
The coin is still only face value.
What is the value of a 100 lire italiana coin in American currency? In: Currency Conversions [Edit categories]
What is the value of a 1818 north america coin?
Value is about $18.00
us 20.00 coin 1907
polish to american
Average retail value for the Proof coin is about $40.00.
The value of a 1942 one cent Lincoln American coin can vary depending on the mint, the condition, and the rarity of the coin. For an exact value, a person should have the coin graded by a professional.
This is a American Silver Eagle bullion coin. The fact it has been colorized destroys the numismatic collectible value of the coin. The piece still has a value of about $30.00 for the silver it contains.