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This is usually referred to as a Precedent. Something that is done in such a good and useful manner that it is looked to again and again by those facing the same situation. This is used in court cases when lawyers and judges wish to know if their type of case has ever been faced before and how that previous situation was handled. Precedent gives you confidence that the decision you make will be good because the same choice was made before.

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Q: What is an anction or a decision that later servesas an example?
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A decision of the us supreme court can be overturned by?

A later decision, or refinement ruling of the same court; or a ruling of that same court based upon a new or amended law to comply with that ruling. For example: John burns the US Flag on the steps of the State Capital. The State arrests him because the state amended its constitution based on a previous decision by the US Supreme court that flag burning is protected speech, thereby making flag burning unlawful. The US Supreme court would rule that the amendment violates the US Constitution (which is superior) and strike down the state amendment. The State then writes a law that John has to buy a permit to burn the flag in any form of protest. The US Supreme Court would uphold that law as long as it did not: 1) discriminate in who the permits were issued to, or 2) make the cost or time involved in issuance of the permit unbearable (too much to afford). **Please note this is just a simple example and involves a lot more than is illustrated. FOR PLATO - an amendment to the constitution

Why did Sam Houston lose his position as Texas governor before the civil war?

He opposed Texas's decision to secede from the Union and join the Confederate States of America in February 1861. He was evicted from office a month later for refusing to sign a loyalty oath to the Confederacy.

What were the original thirteen colonies?

New EnglandProvince of New Hampshire, later New HampshireProvince of Massachusetts Bay, later Massachusetts and MaineColony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, later Rhode IslandConnecticut Colony, later Connecticut.Middle ColoniesProvince of New York, later New York and Vermont[1]Province of New Jersey, later New JerseyProvince of Pennsylvania, later PennsylvaniaDelaware Colony (before 1776, the Lower Counties on Delaware), later DelawareSouthern Colonies (depending on the subject under discussion, Virginia and Maryland may be grouped as the Chesapeake Colonies)Province of Maryland, later MarylandColony and Dominion of Virginia, later Virginia, Kentucky and West VirginiaProvince of North Carolina, later North Carolina and TennesseeProvince of South Carolina, later South CarolinaProvince of Georgia, later Georgia

How has the ruling in Tinker been modified by later supreme court decisions?

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District was a decision by the Supreme Court that defined the rights of students in schools. The Tinker test is still used to determine whether a school's disciplinary actions violate students' rights

What are two ways a US Supreme Court case can be changed?

Supreme Court decisions can only be overturned in two ways:The US Supreme Court can overturn a decision on an earlier case by making a contradictory decision on a current case (or by reversing a current decision).Congress and the States can overturn a decision by amending the US Constitution.

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What is an action or decision that later served as an example is a?

One example could be the decision made by Kodak to ignore the digital photography trend in favor of sticking to film. This decision later became a cautionary tale of the importance of adapting to new technology and market trends in order to stay relevant and competitive in the industry.

What does precedence mean?

to go before or come before in order or positionNo such word, sorry.Proceed exists. So does precede. Not so for preceed.Check a good dictionary.

What do we an action or a decision that later serves as an example?

An action or decision that later serves as an example is known as a precedent. Precedents are often used in legal contexts to guide future decisions and establish a standard for similar cases. They can also be used more broadly to influence behavior or shape future actions based on past experiences.

What did Washington establish that was an action or decision that later served as an example?

Washington's actions as President set a precedent for future Presidents to follow.

What is an action or decision that later serves as an example for others to follow?

A precedent is an earlier action or decision used as a guide or model in future decision-making. Courts often use precedents set in earlier cases to render a judgment, under the doctrine of stare decisis (Latin: Let the decision stand), a common law principle.

What effect does having one of something now or two of the same thing later have on the decision being made?

The affect that having one of something now or two of it later is that it can change the outcome of a decision being made.

What does judgment reserved mean?

Delayed making a decision till a later time.

What is a good example of closing remarks for acquaintance?

An example is "It was nice seeing you again. I will see you later." Or, just "Later Bro."

Can you give an example of a sentence using later?

Later, I will eat a sandwich.

What happens when you do not let tattoos heal between sessions?

You regret your decision 40 years later.

Can a final decision be reverse in a child custody case?

You need to appeal that particular decision to a higher court with a set period of time. Inquire at the court.You can return to the same court at a later date if any of the circumstances are changed.You need to appeal that particular decision to a higher court with a set period of time. Inquire at the court.You can return to the same court at a later date if any of the circumstances are changed.You need to appeal that particular decision to a higher court with a set period of time. Inquire at the court.You can return to the same court at a later date if any of the circumstances are changed.You need to appeal that particular decision to a higher court with a set period of time. Inquire at the court.You can return to the same court at a later date if any of the circumstances are changed.

What word means the example to be followed later on?
