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The US Constitution mandates the entire country, it was created y our founding fathers, and cvers the federal government.

The NC constitution is just North Carolina. It is suboordinate to the us constitution =, created by legislators of north caolina. And it controls the state run government

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Q: What is different about the amendments in the US Constitution and the amendments in the NC Constitution?
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How many amendments do the US have?

27 amendments are there in Constitution.

How many words are in the US Constitution with 27 amendments?

Including the 27 amendments, there are 7652 words in the US Constitution.

What is the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

There have been 32 amendments added to the US Constitution?

False. As of January 2015, there have been 33 amendments added to the US Constitution.

What part of The US Constitution changes The US Constitution?

The 27 Amendments. The first 10 of the amendments are called the Bill of Rights.

What are the first five amendments rights not covered by the US Constitution?

All amendments are part of the constitution and covered by it.

How many amendments does the constitutiton have?

The US Constitution currently has 27 Amendments.

How many total amendments are there to date?

There are 27 Amendments in the US Constitution.

Where in the constitution are the amendments located?

At the end of the Constitution. After all of the Articles of the US Constitution are the Amendments of the US Constitution. After Article VII and the names of signers and a brief statement saying that the Constitution was passed, then come the Amendments.

What are the amendments of the US?

Since it was first adopted, the Constitution of the United States of America has had 27 Amendments. The Constitution and all its Amendments are available at the website below.

How many amendment's are there to the constitution?

27 amendments.

What are changeable to the constitution called?

They are the Amendments. There are currently 27 Amendments to the US Constitution. The first 10 of which are called the Bill of Rights.