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The legal meaning of impeachment is "to bring charges against."

The President, Vice-President, Federal judges (including Supreme Court justices) and "civil officers," which Congress defines as anyone a President appointed, are the government officials eligible for impeachment.

Chargeable offenses are constitutionally defined as "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors," a vague term that can mean anything from a breach of ethics, professional misconduct, an act against the government's best interest, or criminal behavior (essentially, whatever the House of Representatives decides it means). Officials cannot be impeached for being disliked taking an unpopular stance on an issue; some form of actual wrongdoing must be involved.

Impeachment is a two-step process similar to a Grand Jury indictment and trial in criminal cases. One or more members of the House of Representatives bring "Articles of Impeachment" (charges) again a government official, and the House votes whether to "Impeach" (indict, send to trial).

The Senate conducts the impeachment or removal trial. If two-thirds of the Senate votes to convict the official on the articles of impeachment, the person is removed from office; otherwise, the person is acquitted and nothing further is done.

Impeachment means charging a public official with misconduct in office.

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13y ago

The House of Representatives, by a simple majority vote, can pass Articles of Impeachment against the President. This basically works the same way as charging someone with a crime. Once those Articles are passed, the Senate acts like a jury, with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as the presiding judge. The President is removed from office if two-thirds of the Senate votes to convict.

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12y ago

To impeach as it is used in the US government is to accuse a person of wrongdoing, to question the legality or basic integrity of a person in office. The alleged offense is considered weighty enough that the person who is accused must go through a process after impeachment to determine whether or not the person is guilty of the offense. President Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives, and then he was acquitted by the Senate. It is similar to the idea of indictment.

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10y ago

A presidential impeachment is where the president is taken out of power. This is because the president is very unfavorable.

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11y ago

The removal of the president by the chief justice in senate on allegations charged, when proved guilty.

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